-Hero X Villain AU-

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TW-Papercuts, old wounds/scars

Roman and Virgil are in love, despite fighting for good and evil

Roman is a villain just like his twin Remus meanwhile Virgil came from a line of heros

The two were enemies until realizing they love each other, putting aside their differences and is now staying in a hidden place secluded from the rest of the crime filled city where they used to live and work

Now Virgil is currently safe in Romans arms, soft fabric covered him. Roman was looking over every detail, old scar and slice, some faded bruises, and basically anywhere on Virgil, admiring his peaceful lover. The former hero was wearing a stolen red hoodie over his black band tee so Roman had to roll up the sleeves normally having large sweater paws

He remembered their past, back when he was known as the Royal Villain and faced off against the Emo Hero. Those "glory days" were now behind him. Roman kept to a whisper, trying to not wake up the sleeping Virgil

So shy. You shouldn't be shy, you're beautiful. My perfect masterpiece

Virgil woke up, Romans voice opened his eyes

You didn't make me into a hero

Of course, I did Darling. I used to write myself practically on your pale skin

He pointed out Virgil's older scars

Like here, and here. Everything you've survived. Everything you've endured. You're so strong, is that not beautiful?

Virgil tried to smile but it ended up with him blushing instead. Roman quietly chuckled as Virgil smushed his face into his chest, attempting to hide the pink and red appearing on his pale cheeks

I would never harm you anymore, Darling. I swear it on my grave and on River Styx

Virgil nods his head and smells something familiar on Roman

You smell like roses, that means you're-

Completely and utterly in love with you, like I am every single day. And your eyeshadow just turned a glittery purple meaning-

I now have butterflies in my stomach because of that comment

That feeling is familiar too, hopefully nothing disturbs our perfect night

Virgil nods, Roman sits himself up and puts his lover in his lap. He now notices a new and fresh wound on Virgil's hand

Where did this come from?

Paper cut, I was restocking the printer

That's a big one though

My hand got cut on multiple pieces of paper

I'll help you with it

The former villain picked up the former hero bridal style, bringing them to their bathroom. Virgil got set down on the tiled countertop, Roman was looking for antibiotic ointment to stop the hurting and a bandaid to cover the wound

Finally he found them and treated Virgil, putting a purple bandaid on the now fixed wound

Your papercut has been treated, would you like a lollipop from Doctor Roman?

No I'm good, Doctor Roman. Patient Virgil just needs the zzzs

Well then, may I escort you to your room and hospital bed Patient Virgil?

That would be nice, though I might become sleepy on the way there

That's okay, Darling

Virgil was right, his Amethyst Purple and Emerald Green eyes were starting to get heavy. His head leaned against Romans shoulder after he got scooped up back into his lovers arms

Roman smiled and kissed his hair, walking them back into their room. He laid Virgil down first then laid himself down. Virgil turned himself around so his back is now facing the ceiling, Roman gently pulled Virgil to him, so that his purple head of hair is on Romans chest and so that he can sleep hug the former villain with his large sweater pawed hands now around Romans waist

Roman got Virgil and himself situated before putting the covers back over themselves. In the morning, the sun was shining through the window instead of a lamplight from the old city police station

Lucky Roman doesn't have to commit crimes anymore so he doesn't have to be against the law forever. The only thing he can do is having a wonderful life with Virgil. The formal villain notices the former hero bury himself under the blankets, Roman knew full well that Virgil isn't a morning person who desperately tries to avoid sunlight in the morning

He chuckled and got up, going to the window and drew the curtains. Roman laid down on the shared bed, folding back some of the blanket so that Virgil wasn't under them anymore. Dyed purple hair stuck out against the white fabric of the sheets, it was kinda messy due to it being under the blankets

Roman brushed back Virgil's bangs, seeing freckles on his normal eyeshadowy cheeks and underneath his rare jewel like eyes. The former villain played connect the dots with the former hero's freckles. Roman eventually kissed Virgil's forehead in an attempt to wake him up

Good morning, Darling

The forehead kiss worked, Virgil's eyes opened looking up to see Roman

Good morning Princey

Do you want breakfast? I'm assuming that you're hungry

You read my mind

I'll be right downstairs if you need me for anything

Virgil nods, leaving Roman to go make breakfast in bed for himself and Virgil.

Roman walked downstairs to their kitchen, first making coffee in a black and purple mug. While that was happening, he started on toast. Virgil's coffee was done and now it was time for his own cup in a red and white mug. Roman got out plates and put the toast on them after they got a healthy spread of butter. He rummaged around the fridge, looking for their own special Crofters flavors. His was Royal Raspberry Chariot and Virgil's was Boo-Berry Cranic Attack.

Breakfast was done so Roman put the items on a tray, walking upstairs to see Virgil asleep once again. He kissed Virgil's forehead again and he woke up, seeing Roman with breakfast on a tray

Virgil took his toast, coffee, and jam jar. Roman sat down on the other side of the bed with his breakfast, turning on the T.V and finding a random show to have on as background noise while they talked over breakfast

The former hero and villain had a day just like the others while in their isolation from the city, nothing of their past lives disturbed them

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