Chapter 3

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I woke up early and headed to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Morning, boys." I replied cheerily, sitting in between Dean and Seamus.

"Morning." They replied.

"What's on the agend today?" I asked, grabbing a piece of bacon.

"Nothing, unless you want to go to Hogsmeade." Dean said.

"Sounds like fun." I replied.

"Awesome, we'll meet you at the gate at 10." He said, checking the clock. It was 9:32, I had 28 minutes.

"Okay, I have to go tell Viktor where I'll be. See you later." I said before rushing out of the Great Hall and to our ship.

"Hey, Vick!" I yelled, pounding on my brother's bedroom door.

"What?" He yelled back.

"I'm going to Hogsmeade with Dean and Seamus." I said.

"Okay, stay out of trouble." He said.

I laughed.

"No promises." I said before walking away.
I waited at the gate as had been agreed, until I saw Dean.

"Hi, Dean." I said.

"Hey, Vanessa. Seamus decided that he's going to hang out with Neville, so it'll just be us." He said, blushing slightly.

"Okay, let's go!" I exclaimed as I jumped into one of the carriages.

Dean laughed before copying my action, sitting next to me. Only a few minutes later, the carriage stopped.

"Where to first?" Dean asked as he helped me out of the carriage.

"The sweet shop!" I exclaimed, racing towards the small store.

I had already entered the store and picked out some chocolate frogs by the time that Dean had caught up to me.

"Jeez, for being so short you're pretty damn fast." He said, huffing.

"For being so tall you're pretty damn slow." I mocked.

"Touche" Dean said, laughing.

After we bought our candy, I drug Dean into a little dress shop. I ended up picking out a short black dress that Dean payed for, even though I protested. We went to a few more shops before we decided to go to the Three Broomsticks.

"What do you think?" Dean asked.

"It was great, I had a lot of fun." I said, taking a sip of my butterbeer.

Dean laughed.

"What?" I asked, confused.

He grabbed a napkin and wiped some foam off of my upper lip.

"Thanks." I said blushing.

After we paid we walked back to the castle, deciding not to take a carriage.

"Hey, if you want you could spend the night in my dorm, the guys won't mind." Dean said nervously when we reached the ship.

"Okay, where's your commonroom?" I asked.

"In the Astronomy tower behind the Fat Lady painting. The password id Caput Draconis." He said.

"I'll be there in half an hour." I said.

Dean smiled before walking to the castle.
I was walking to the commonroom in my pajamas when I saw that Fat Lady painting.

"Caput Draconis." I said.

The painting swung open to reaveal a doorway. I walked through the boy's dormitory until I came to the fourth years'. I got many wolf whistles on the way, but I flipped them off and kept walking. I knocked on the door to reveal a smiling and blushing Dean.

"Hi, Vanessa." He said.

"Hey, Vanessa!" Seamus yelled obnoxiously.

"Hey, Shay!" I yelled back in the same manner.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

"Sleep!" replied the boys.

"Good, I'm tired." I said laughing.

Dean climbed into his bed and opened his arms to me. I laughed, throwing my bag in a corner before crawling in bed next to him. I could here his steady heart beat, which lulled me to sleep.

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