Chapter 14

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The next morning we all, somehow, slept in. When all four of us were finally up, we got dressed and headed down to breakfast.

"We don't have to start getting ready until 4, so we have 5 hours." Hermione said.

"OK, I'm gonna hang out with the guys for a little while. I'll be back at your dorm by 4." I told the girls before walking over to the 5 boys.

"Hey, guys." I said, startling them.

"I swear, Van, that you're trying give me a heart attack." Seamus said, clutching his chest.

"Sorry." I said, sitting next to Dean.

"How was your night?" Dean asked.

"Hermione made us go to bed early." I complained.

"Now you know how we feel." Ron joked, but shut up when I shot him a cold glare.

"I still don't know how you scare them so easily." I heard a familiar accent say from next to me. I turned to see Kirstov, who had taken a seat next to me.

"We've seen her angry." Neville said.

"Yeah, I don't want to be on her bad side again." Seamus said.

Kirstov laughed at their comments.

"Yeah, she kinda has that effect on people. Damn, when I first met her she was only 7 and I was teasing her about something. Somehow, I still haven't figured it out how, she managed to set my boots on fire. I had burn marks for months." He said, chuckling at the memory.

"I remember when you were going into 3rd year and you stayed part of the summer-" After telling many funny and embarrassing stories to the boys, 4 o'clock came around.

"I have to go get ready for the ball, I'll see you guys later." I said before heading to the girls' dorm where I found two newcomers; Padma and Ginny.

After Pavarti introduced me to Padma, we decided to paint our nails.

I decided to paint mine black with a sparkly top coat. After our nails were dry we decided to do our hair. While Padma did Pavarti's, Ginny did Lavender's, and Hermione did mine, pulling it into a elegant bun.

Once the three had finished, we switched. Two hours, and four cans of hairspray later, we had finished our hair and were onto make-up. By eight we had finished our make-up and just had to put on our dresses. We pulled on the dresses, being careful as to not mess up our hair and make-up. We helped each other put on the finishing touches, such as jewelry, and finally left for the Great Hall.

We stopped at the top of the stairs. First went Lavender, then Ginny, then the twins, then Hermione, and finally it was my turn. I took a deep breath and started to walk down the tall staircase.

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