Chapter 76

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   I gasped in pain, falling to my knees in the sand as I clutched my shoulder. 

"Vanessa!" The others exclaimed.

"I'll be fine, just-just give me a second." I said, gripping the handle of Bellatrix's dagger, and quickly pulling it from where it was stuck in my shoulder. I grunted in pain, but climbed to my feet, leaning heavily on Harry.

"See, all better." I said weakly.

"We must get Miss Krum and Miss Granger inside the house, the others are waiting." Dobby said.

   Ron carried Hermione, and Harry helped me to the house. I decide to keep the dagger, sticking it in my boot so it wouldn't fall out. When we got inside Dean was pacing, Fleur was hurrying to prepare whatever we may need for our injuries, Bill was cooking something, Luna was leaning against the doorway, and Ollivander and Griphook was nowhere to be seen. 

"Vanessa!" Dean exclaimed, rushing forward and hugging my tightly.

   I winced, but hugged him back. When we pulled away, his eyes went wide at the large blood stain on my shirt.

"Oh my Merlin!" Fleur exclaimed, realizing that I was bleeding heavily. 

   She pulled me into the livingroom, Dean by my side, making me sit on the couch.

"Take your shirt off, I'll be right back." She said, leaving to get something.

   I did as she said, carefully tugging my jumper over my head leaving my in my bra. I didn't mind, though, and neither did anyone else at the moment. Fleur came back with some Dittany, bloodreplenisher potion, and bandages.

"This is gonna sting like a bitch." She warned, as she started to apply the Dittany to my shoulder.

   She wasn't kidding. After she finished, she wrapped me up with some bandages and made me drink the bloodrepenisher.

"I can show you to the shower, and I have some clothes you can wear since yours are ruined." Fleur said, leading me upstairs to her room. 

   She pulled a heavy sweatshirt out of her closet, handing it to me along with some sweats. She also gave me a hairbrush and then lead me to the bathroom. I thanked her before closing and locking the door.

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