Chapter 74

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   It was sometime in March and we were walking to our next camp that we had decided on. We were extremely cautious, but obviously not enough. Several men grabbed us, pointing their wands to our necks, suprising me. I struggled against my capture, hiding my wand up my sleeve, but his grip was firm. The man holding Dean wrenched his wand away from him, but they were unable to find mine and accepted that I must have lost it.

"The kids and the goblin must be kept alive, but Tonks here......" A voice I remembered from when deatheaters broke into Hogwarts spoke. 

   Fenrir Greyback held Mr. Tonks tightly by the arm, pressing his wand harshly against his neck before saying the evil words that ended a good friend's life.

"Avada kedavra!" 

   Mr. Tonks' body fell to the ground and I tried to hold back a scream of terror. 

"We'll take the other three to Malfoy Manor, they may have some information on Potter." Greyback informed his henchman. 

   I closed my eyes and moments later I heard a pop and when I opened my eyes we were in a cold manor. Our captures still gripped us tightly, but their wands were no longer at our necks since they had been needed to apparate.

"Oooo, who do we have here?" Bellatrix said with a sickly sweet smile as she stalked towards us, obviously knowing exactly who we were. 

"Take them to the dungeons with the others." She said, giggling evilly.

   We were drug out of the room and down some stairs before being thrown into a cold cell. The door was locked behind us. I glared at the men until the disappeared, and then I finally examined our surrounding. 

"Luna!" I gasped, seeing the blond girl huddled in a corner near an old man, who I recognized as Ollivander. 

"Vanessa!" She exclaimed weakly, standing up and hugging me tightly.

"This place is quite dreadful." Luna said softly, gripping my jumper.

   Dean placed a gently hand on my lower back before he walked over to talk to Ollivander. Griphook just stood by the cell door, mumbling to himself about 'cowardly wizards'. I sighed, this is not how we had planned it.

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