Chapter 12

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The next day I woke up on the floor of Hermione's dorm room.

"Urgh." I groaned, siting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Morning." Hermione said as she walked out of the bathroom fully dressed.

"Mornin." I mumbled.

"Get up and put this on." she demanded throwing a purple sweater and a pair of faded skinny jeans at me.

"Why?" I asked as I grumpily climbed off of the floor.

"Just get dressed!" she demanded, pushing me into the bathroom.

"Okay, then." I mumbled pulling the sweater over my head.

As soon as I re-entered the dorm, Hermione pushed me into a chair and started braiding my hair\. Once she was finished she drug me to the Black Lake.

"What's going on?" I asked when we stopped under a large oak tree.

"Just, wait here." she said before hurrying off.

I sat at the trunk of the tree, waiting for whatever the hell was supposed to happen.

"Hey." someone said from behind me, causing me to jump. I turned to see Dean.

"Hi." I said, gesturing him to sit down next to me.

He sat down and started to fidget with his hands in his lap. I gently placed my hand over his, causing him to look up at me and blush.

"What's wrong, Dean?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just need to ask you something." He said, looking down at my hand, which I had interlocked with his.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I-um-will you go to the ball with me?" he asked nervously.

"Of course!" I said, enveloping him in a hug.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes!" I said, pecking his cheek, causing him to turn red.

"Come on, I need to go put on some sweat pants." I joked as we both stood up, still holding hands.

Once we stepped into the boys' dorm we were instantly hit by pillows.

"No lovey-dovey shit in here." Seamus said causing me and Dean to blush.

"You didn't care before." I said, rolling my eyes.

I walked over to my trunk and dug out a pair of sweatpants and went to the bathroom to get changed. When I came back out, I found all five of the boys standing on the beds having a pillow fight. One of the pillows was flung my way and I caught it just before it hit the clock that was hanging on the wall a little to my left.

"Why do I love these idiots?" I mumbled to myself before joining the boys in the battle.

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