Chapter 5

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I woke up to Dean's arms around my waist. I blushed and smiled at how cute he was when he was asleep. I eventually decided that I had to get up. After multiple tries, I finally climbed out of Dean's arms. I checked the clock. 8:47. Breakfast starts at 9. I then looked to see that it was only me and Dean in the room. The others must have already left. I crept over to Dean's bed.

"Dean, we have to get ready." I whispered. He groggily opened his eyes.

"Morning." He grumbled.

"I'm gonna go get ready." I said, grabbing my backpack and walking to the bathroom to get dressed.

Once I was done I came out to find Dean already in his uniform, and having trouble with his tie. I laughed and walked over to help him.

"Like this." I said, showing him.

"Thanks." He said.

"We better get going." I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the great hall.

Once we got there, and found Neville and Seamus, we sat down. After we had finished, and the food had disappeared, Professor Mcgonagall passed out the timetables. She smiled at me when she handed me mine, leaving the boys confused.

"I talked to Dumbledore. He is letting me take classes here." I said, answering there unasked questions.

They nodded in understanding.

"Let me see yours." Dean said.

I handed him my timetable.

"Cool, we have all of our classes together." He said, smiling.

"Yay! You better not let me get lost." I said, jokingly.

"Yeah, I don't want to get in trouble with Viktor." He said, warily eyeing the my brother, who was at the Slytherin table.

"Don't worry, he actually isn't as over protective as you would think." I said.

"We better get going." He said, leading me out of the Great hall, but not before I got a glance at Dumbledore. I saw a sparkle in his eye, telling me that he had matched my timetable with Dean's on purpose.

After a long, stressful first day of school, I joined the boys (Neville, Seamus, and Dean) in their room.

"Thanks, for earlier." Neville said, referring to me yelling at Mad-eye Moody, because he was using the crucios curse on a spider, which bothered Neville,

"No problem, someone had to put the old bastard in his place." I said, earning a chuckle from the boys.

"Mcgonagall adores you, already." Seamus said.

"Yeah. So do the rest of the teachers." Neville said.

"Hell, even Snape seemed to like you!" Dean exclaimed.

"Yay! Now I'm tired." I said, causing the boys to laugh.

"You go ahead, we are gonna stay up a little longer." Dean said, as Harry and Ron walked in.

"OK, but not to late." I said, before walking to the bathroom and getting changed.

"Night, boys." I said, climbing into Deans bed.

"Night." they chorused.

Moments later I was fast asleep.

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