Chapter 30

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I was shaken awake be Dean when we finally got to Hogwarts.

"We're her!" He said.

I grumbled before getting up and following the three boys off of the train.

"You have to ride with the first years." Seamus said.

"Okay, I'll see you guys later." I said, waving before following Hagrid to the boats.

   I climbed in one that I ended up having to myself and enjoyed the peaceful ride, knowing this would be the only relaxing time I will have until summer starts again. The boats beached themselves and I helped Hagrid get the younger kids out of the boats before we went to the door, where we met be Mcgonagall. She did some sort of speech that was probably about stuff that I already knew, hopefully since I wasn't paying much attention.

We were finally led into the Great Hall.

"We'll be starting with someone many of you from her many outbursts. Krum, Vanessa." Mcgonagall introduced, making many students including myself laugh.

I walked up to the stool and she set the hat on my head.

"Brave, a smartass, outspoken, the only place I can put you is GRYFFINDOR!" The hat exclaimed.

The Gryffindor table cheered loudly as I walked over and sat by Dean and the boys. Dean pecked my on the lips before the twins scolded us.

"No PDA!" They yelled.

   Me and Dean chuckled before turning back to the sorting. We got eight new Gryffindors!

"Now, may I introduce your new teacher-" Dumbledore started.

"Ahem." A toad-like lady stood up from the table.

After her 'speech' she sat back down and we finally got to eat.

"What does that mean?" Neville asked.

"The Ministry is taking over Hogwarts. It's all going downhill from here." I said.

And that it did.

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