Chapter 81

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   We were all gathered around Harry and Voldemort as the two dueled in the middle of the Great Hall.


"Avada kedavra!" 

   The two spells interlocked, pushing against eachother. And, in what seemed like an explosion, Voldemort was dead. We all cheered excitedly. We had won! The deatheaters that hadn't escaped were gathered to one side of the hall, under strict watch, while the rest of us were helping each other by healing wounds. 


   I spun around at the sound of my brother's voice. 

"Viktor!" I exclaimed, throwing myself at him. 

"Thank Merlin you're alright." He said, squeezing me in a tight hug.

"Can't. Breathe." I gasped.

"Don't kill her, I haven't gotten a hug yet." Kristov complained from behind Viktor.

   My brother laughed, setting me down so I could hug his friend. And then Dean joined the group, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. 

"I love you all, but we have all the time in the world to catch up later. I have to help Madam Pomfrey with healing everyone." I said, giving my brother and Kristov a hug and giving Dean a quick kiss before hurrying to help Madam Pomfrey.

   By now, the deatheaters were gathered on one side of the Great Hall, under strict guard, while everyone else was on the other. I finished the jobs that Madam Pomfrey had given me before promptly walking over to the opposite side of the room.

"Miss, you can't-" One of the "guards", a teammate of Viktor's, started before Viktor cut him off from halfway across the room.

"You can't stop her, you might as well just let her do whatever the hell she's gonna do and save yourself the trouble." He practically yelled. 

   The guard looked at me for a moment before sighing and letting me closer to the deatheaters. The Malfoys were somewhat seperated from the rest, for reasons unknown to me, and I sat down next to Draco Malfoy, taking my wand from my pocket.

"We don't need your help." Lucius Malfoy sneered at me.

"Did I ask you, Mr. High and Mighty?" I sassed before turning away from him to help mend a particularly nasty gash on Draco's cheek.

"This is going to sting like a bitch for a second." I warned him before mumbling a few charms.

   Draco hissed slightly, making Lucius scoff. Narcissa elbowed him, but it didn't do anything.

"Yes, Ma'am?" I asked sassily, turning to Lucius.

"You little-" He tried to step forward but several of the guards rushed forward to hold him back. 

   I had the urge to flip him off or cuss him out, but held back not wanting to add to the situation. Once I was done helping Draco, Narcissa thanked me softly and I rejoined my friends and family. Dean immediately wrapped his arms around me as soon as I got to him.

"He didn't touch you, did he?" He asked, looking me over.

"We both know he would probably be dead if he did." Kirstov spoke up, his arm around Viktor's shoulders. 

"Exactly." I said with a smile.

"I love you." Dean whispered, pressing a kiss to my temple as we watched Viktor and Kirstov argue over whether or not they think the could single-handedly beat some deatheater in a duel.

"I love you too." I said, leaning up to kiss him properly.

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