Chapter 58

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"We need to have a name for our group." Ginny said the next day. 

   All 23 of us were in the R.o.R. trying to figure out the details for our next flash mob.

"Yeah." Hermione agreed.

"Ok, any suggestions?" I asked.

   Everyone took a moment to think it over.

"What about 'Dance Elite?" One of the first years, Lindi, asked.

"Or 'Fire Starters." A third year, Sydney, offered.

"What about 'Freedom Crew'? Since we originally started it as an act of freedom against Umbit-Umbridge." Katie cut herself off, remembering that there were eleven year olds in the room.

   The younger girls giggled.

"What does everyone think?" I asked.

   Everyone mumbled amongst themselves.

"I like it, we could call it the FC for short." Ginny said with a wide grin.

"I like it, too." Hermione agreed.

   Everyone agreed happily.

"Now that that is settled, I'm thinking we'll have our next flash mob a week from today. So, we'll meet here after dinner everyday until then. Sound good?" I asked.

"Feels good!" Ginny exclaimed, making everybody laugh. (Where's my 5sos fam at?)

"Ok, but seriously. Does that work for everybody?" I asked.

"It should work for me, depending on what the boys decide to stick their noses into." Hermione shrugged.

"Ok, then. the plan will be to meet here at quarter after eight. If anything comes up, tell me and we can try to work around it. Make sure that you wear your uniforms tomorrow night. Until then, meeting adjourned." I said.

   The girls cheered over dramatically making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Get out of here before your friends start to look for you." I said, laughing as I shooed everyone out of the room.

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