Chapter 59

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   We had just finished our 4th flash mob performance thingy of the school year in the courtyard. We've been at Hogwarts for five weeks having a surprise performance once a week. Everywhere where you turned, people were talking about the FC, trying to figure out who the mystery dancers are and when they will perform next. The girls have been very good at keeping a secret, and we have had two more firsties join us in the past two weeks. 

"You girls were amazing." Dean said, kissing me on the cheek as we walked back to the commonroom.

"Yeah, I swear ya get better every time." Seamus agreed with a grin.

"Thanks, guys." I said tiredly.

   The FC gang had stayed up late last night, trying to perfect our dance since we had a newbie join only a few days prior to performance day. Luckily, everyone took it in stride and I was the only one tired. Most nights, I stay up super later to choreograph our new dances and then end up waking up really early to be ready in time for school. Dean looked at me with a smile when I yawned.

"Come here, love." He chuckled, scooping me up in his arms and carrying me bridal style.

   Too tired to protest, I rested my head on his shoulder. Soon, Dean and I were in the dorm. Seamus had split off from us to go do who knows what. Dean layed me down on his bed, crawling in next to me. 

"Get some sleep." He said, pressing his lips to the top of my head as I snuggled into his chest.

"I love you." I mumbled, half asleep.

"I love you too, princess." Dean replied.

   Not long after that, I fell asleep with Dean playing with my hair.

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