Chapter 19

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I awoke freezing cold and sopping wet with loud cheering ringing through my ears.  Me and Viktor swam to the nearby dock. As soon as I was out of the water, I was tackled be two people, Dean and Hermione. Hermione draped a large towel around my shoulders.

"T-thanks." I managed to stutter through me chattering teeth.

She smiled and handed me my wand, which I must have left in the library,before walking away, leaving me wrapped tightly in Dean's arms. I quickly cast a warmth charm, which pushed the cold out of my body. I was actually surprised that I didn't have hypothermia.

"You can't stay out of trouble, can you?" He mumbled into my hair.

"A little drama here and there never killed anybody." I said, smiling at my protective boyfriend.

"A little?" He teased.

"Yes, a little." I replied.

"So that wasn't you who hexed Malfoy?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I said, smirking.

"Mhm." He said, knowing that I was lieing.

"OK, it was me, but in my defence, he was handing out more of those 'Potter Stinks' badges." I said, giving in.

"I knew it!" One of the Weasley twins, Fred I believe, exclaimed as both of them walked up to us.

After all of the points were awarded, I walked to the kitchen with the three boys for a snack since I hadn't eaten since dinner yesturday and it was about 6 in the afternoon.

While we ate, the twins decided to tell me some of their best pranks.

"-and the git's hair was neon green for three weeks." Fred finished telling me about a prank they had done on Malfoy last year.

"We could do a sequal, this time it should by bright pink." I offered. The boys eyes lit up with mischief as Dean laughed from beside me.

"Yeah, we have the dye, we can dump it on him during breakfast tomorrow." George concluded.

"Don't get caught, though. His father will hear about it." Dean mocked.

"Two crazy pranksters and the most feared person on the school grounds, I think we'll be fine." Fred said.

"Most feared person, I like the sound of that." I said jokingly.

"We better get to the dorm, you need rest." Dean said after checking the clock.

We all agreed and went to the common room, splitting up to go to our dorms. The rest of the boys had not come back yet, so it was peacefully quiet. I quickly went to the bathroom and got changed. When I came back I flopped onto the bed and fell asleep right away.

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