Chapter 7

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I woke up the next day to find Ron and Seamus already gone.

"Morning." I mumbled to the three boys who were getting ready.

"Morning." They replied.

I finally gathered my courage to crawl out of bed and get dressed. I walked into the bathroom with my backpack and came back out wearing my uniform. I saw Dean struggling with his tie, again. I chuckled and walked over to help. I looked over to see Harry's hair in a mess and Neville wearing insanely miss matched socks. Seriously, one was short and red with purple poke a dots while the other was a tall green sock with orange and black stripes. I sighed, causing Dean to chuckle.

"Everyone's wearing trousers, I'm gonna call it a win." I said, sending the boys into fits of laughter.

We were halfway to the great hall when I turned to Harry.

"What did they say, last night?" I asked.

"I have to compete, the first task is next month." He replied grimly.

"Don't worry, I'll help." I said, patting his back.

"Don't you have to help Viktor?" He questioned.

"He can take care of himself. He won't let me help anyways, so you're stuck with me." I chirped, causing Harry to chuckle.

We finally entered the great hall, sitting near the end of the table. Everyone seemed be sending glares towards Harry, especially from the Hufflepuff and Slytherin tables. After a while of Harry shifting uncomfortably under the stares, I had had enough and stood up.

"How about you mind your own business and eat your breakfast, ya?" I asked, my Bulgarian accent thick because of my anger, causing Dean to chuckle lightly from my side.

My outburst caused some to pay attention  to their food, while others sent glares my way, including Seamus and Ron.

"I like your accent." Dean commented, still laughing at my outburst.

"It only happens when I'm mad. That's where my father's blood kicks in." I joked, turning to look at the red head and the Irishman who were shaking their heads at me.

"I'll be right back." I said walking over to the two boys.

"You have a problem?" I asked, my accent growing thick again, sitting across form the boys.

"Yes, actually." Ron replied, angrily.

"And what would that be?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

Ron hesitated, so Seamus decided to butt in.

"You're siding with Harry!" Seamus exclaimed.

"Your point?" I sassed.

"He's obviously guilty." He said, slightly taken aback.

"Where's your proof?" I asked.

"How else would his name get into the goblet?" Ron asked.

"Someone of age could have put it in, wanting to stir up some trouble." I pointed out.

"But there is no proof." Seamus said.

"There's no proof in your favor either, so watch your tongues." I said.

"Burn." The Weasley twins said, causing the two younger boys to blush of embarrassment.

Knowing that I had won, I started to walk back to my spot, but heard the twins calling to me.

"Hey, Vanessa, right?" Fred asked.

"That's me." I responded.

"Tell Harry we're supporting him. We've never liked that Diggory fellow." George said.

"Of course." I said, smiling.

"Oh, yeah. If anyone messes with you, give us a holler. We've got some new prank ideas we want to give a try." Fred said.

"I'll keep that in mind. I better get back to my boys." I said, walking away.

"What did they say?" Neville asked.

"Well, Ron said-" I started but was cut off.

"Yeah, we all heard that part. He meant, what did the twins say." Dean explained.

"Was I really that loud?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think the whole hall heard you." Harry mumbled, causing me to laugh.

"Well, then they'll know not to piss me off." I joked.

"True, but what did the twins say?" Dean asked.

"They said that they're fully supporting you, Harry. And to tell them if anyone messes with me since they have some new prank ideas that they want to try out." I said.

"Sounds like them." Harry said, smiling.

"We better get to class. Come on, Dean. Bye boys." I said, as we left the great hall to start classes.

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