Chapter 22

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   All of a sudden, Cedric and Harry appeared out of thin air, landing about 10 feet in front of me. Something was wrong. Fleur screamed from next to me, snapping me out of my trance. Cedric was laying on the ground, seemingly dead.

"He's back! Voldemort's back!" Harry exclaimed.

I rushed forward next to Harry who was gripping Cedric's body. I quickly checked the Hufflepuff's pulse, it was very weak but still there.

"Harry! You need to move so I can try to save him!" I exclaimed, shoving the boy off of Cedric's body.

There were many gashes across his face and body but I was more worried about keeping his heart beating. Amos, Cedric's father tried to come forward. I shot Viktor a glance and he grabbed the older man's arm.

"My sister is trying to save your son, you need to give her room." Viktor said, holding the man back.

    I pointed my wand at the boy's chest, mumbling a shocking spell that would work much like a muggle defibrillator. I checked his pulse and this time it was much stronger. I sighed in relief before healing the gashes that covered his body. In the same moment that I had finished, Cedric's eyes fluttered open and he groaned. I smiled and stood, before walking over to my boyfriend, brother, and friends.

"What'd I tell ya?" Kirstov said.

"Yeah, yeah." I said tiredly.

"Are you OK?" Viktor asked concerned.

"Yeah, I just used alot of energy." I said, leaning into Dean, who wrapped a arm around me and kissed my head.

I looked around and realized that Harry had disappeared.

"Have any of you seen Harry?" I asked.

Everyone shook their heads. I decided to ask Dumbledore if he has seen him.

"Hey, Professor, have you seen Harry?" I asked.

"What do you mean-" He cut himself off before rushing away towards the castle, Mcgonagall and Snape on his tail.

I looked over to my group waving at Dean and pointing in the direction of the castle, telling him where I would be. He nodded and I chased after the professors, wand in hand, knowing that Harry had gotten into some sort of trouble.

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