Chapter 32

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"We're meeting at the Hogs Head later to figure out what we are going to do about D.A.D.A. at eleven." Hermione whispered to me at breakfast several weeks later.

"I'll be there." I whispered back.

   Umbitch has been making a million shitty rules and it was driving me up the walls. Filch is practically her sidekick and is a total pain in the arse if you ask me.

   A few hours later I'm sitting in the Hogs Head with Dean by my side. We sat and waited as more and more students came in.

"This isn't a few people." I heard Harry mumble from the font.

"As many of you may know," Hermione started, "we aren't learning anything with Umbridge as our teacher. We thought that Harry could teach us."

   The meeting went on for a few minutes with a student arguing and the twins threatening to clean out his ears with some weird gadget before Luna Lovegood spoke up.

"Is it true that you can produce a full bodied patronus?" She asked dreamily.

"Yes, he can. He also defeated fought Voldemort in his first year and killed the basilisk in his second." Hermione said.

"He fought off about a hundred of those dementors in his third." Ron continued.

"And he fought Voldemort in the flesh last year." I said.

"I had help most of the time." Harry butted in.

"He's just being modest." Hermione said.

"No I'm not, Hermione! You don't know what it's like to fight in the real world or see your friend die in front of your eyes. When you are practicing and you mess up it's okay, you can try again. Out there, you only get one chance." Harry said.

"That's exactly why we need you to teach us, because you know what it's like." I said.

"Fine," Harry sighed," but only if you you co-teach. I heard you have some pretty good curses up your sleeve." He said.

"I might." I said, tapping my chin.

   Everybody ended up signing a sheet of paper to sign up for our little resistance.

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