Chapter 9

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Today was the day of the first task, and I was nervous for both Viktor and Harry. Since Viktor wouldn't allow me to help him, I helped Hermione teach Harry the Accio charm so that he could call his broom to him and fly while fighting the dragon.

I was sitting with Dean on my left, and Hermione on my right, Neville was on the other side of Dean, while the Weasley twins and their friend Lee sat in front of us as we waited  for the first champion to come out.

Finally, Cedric came out into the arena. He transfigured a rock into a dog to distract the dragon. He managed to grab the golden egg, but got a minor burn on the side of his face. Next, was Fleur. She cast a spell causing her dragon to fall asleep, but it snorted flames and set her skirt on fire. Fleur quickly put out the fire and grabbed the golden egg. It was Viktor's turn. He dodged the dragon and got to the nest. He grabbed the golden egg but smashed the others in the process, loosing points. I groaned and hid my face in Dean's shoulder.

"Clumsy arse." I mumbled, causing the others to laugh.

"It's Harry's turn." Hermione said. I quickly looked up to see that Harry had entered arena.

He looked around and started to walk to the nest. Suddenly, the Hungarian Horntail jumped in front of him, blowing flames. Harry dodged the flames and hid behind a boulder.

"Go, Harry!" I screamed, causing others to chuckle and Seamus and Ron, who were a couple of rows away, to scowl at me.

"Your wand, Harry!" Me and Hermione yelled. Harry seemed to hear us and pulled out his wand.

"Accio firebolt!" He yelled. Nothing happened and he dodged another round of flames from the dragon.

"Where is it?" I mumbled worriedly. I suddenly saw the broomstick flying towards Harry. He grabbed it and hopped on, flying above the dragon. The Horntail started to pull at the chain. All of a sudden the chain snapped, and the dragon  chased Harry towards the castle. Soon, both of them were out of sight, causing me to get anxious. Dean grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

After what felt like ages, Harry came flying back, and grabbed the egg.

After Dumbledore announced the points, me and the boys decide to find Viktor, while Hermione went looking for Harry.

"Viktor!" I yelled as I raced towards him and tackled him in a hug.

"Are you OK?" I asked, searching him for injuries.

"I'm fine, just a few minor burns." He said, chuckling. I looked over at the two boys. Dean was smiling, but Neville was shifting uncomfortably.

"Oh, yeah. Viktor, this if my friend Neville. Neville, this is Viktor." I said. The two boy shook hands, causing me to smile.

"Viktor! Come on!" Kirstov yelled from nearby.

"I'l see you later, Sis." He said, before jogging over towards his friend.

We had just gotten back to the common room to find that someone had started a party for Harry.

"Open it!" Someone yelled. I looked over to see Harry on the twins' shoulders, holding the golden egg. He opened it, releasing a screaming sound. Everyone covered their ears, and Harry closed the egg,

"It sounded like someone being tortured!" Neville exclaimed, going pale.

I saw that Ron was walking over to Harry. The twins seemed to notice this, too.

"Everyone, go back to your knitting. It's gonna be awkward enough with out everybody else listening in." Fred said.

"Hey." I turned around to see Seamus, awkwardly standing behind me.

"Me and Ron kinda realized that Harry would have to be crazy to enter the tournament." He said.

"Finally! Everyone is on the same page!" I exclaimed, causing the boys to laugh.

"I'll be right back." I said, walking over to Hermione.

"Did they kiss and make up, yet?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said, laughing lightly.

"Good, now she won't get into as many fights." Dean joked from behind us, causing me to jump.

"You scared me!" I exclaimed, smacking him lightly on the chest.

"I just wanted to tell you that we'll be in the dorm." He said.

"OK, I'll be up in a minute. Please don't break anything." I teased.

"No promises." He joked, walking away.

I turned back to Hermione, who was giving me a look.

"What?" I asked.

"You like each other." She said.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I asked.

"Because it's true." She said.

"I'm going to bed." I said, walking away, not wanting to argue with her. When I got to the dorm I found all of the boys, besides Dean, fast asleep.

I grabbed some Pj's and went to the bathroom to change. When I came back out, I climbed into bed next to Dean.

"Good night, Dean." I said.

"Good night, love." He responded, kissing my head.

I fell asleep, happy that Seamus and Ron were finally on our side.

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