Chapter 21

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   I was at the third task with Seamus, Neville and Dean. I was dressed to support both Viktor and Harry. As we sat waiting for the task to start, I felt as though something bad was about to happen. After all four champions entered the maze, I nervously grabbed Dean's hand, surprisingly not breaking any bones with my tight grip. He squeezed back and gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back, although I knew it didn't reach my eyes.

   Kirstov noticed my uneasiness from were he was standing with the rest of the Durmstrang students. He walked over and pulled me into a side hug, squeezing my shoulders.

"They'll be fine. And if anything bad happens I know a witch who is outstanding with healing spells and could probably raise someone from the dead, ask me how I know." He assured. I glared up at the tall blonde boy as I recalled the memory.

"I wouldn't have had to practically reattach your finger if you weren't being a dumbass and decided to start a fight with a clan of garden gnomes." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Hey, at least my finger is almost straight." He teased, wiggling his right pointer finger in my face causing me to giggle.

   All of a sudden red sparks appeared in the sky. We turned our attention to the maze, to see Fleur being carried out of it. I gasped at the state she was in. Her clothes were torn, her hair was matted, and she had multiple gashes along with many bruises. Before anyone cold stop me, I rushed down to her side and whipped out my wand. I muttered many healing charms as the crowd watched in awe. After a few minutes, the blonde girl opened her eyes. Her little sister, Gabrielle, rushed over, tackling her in a hug and I stepped back to give them some space. But before I could rejoin my friends, more sparks were sent up and Viktor was lead out of the maze by Hagrid, my brother struggled against the half giant, his eyes cloudy, as I rushed over. I mumbled a charm and he snapped back into reality. I said several more charms to heal his cuts and bruises before hugging him. I turned around to wave at my friends, and boyfriend, who waved back.

  "Thanks, Sis," Viktor said as we waited for Harry and Cedric. He had his arm around my shoulder as I leaned into his side. I felt a twist in my gut and I knew something had gone wrong. Harry and Cedric had run into trouble.

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