Chapter 45

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   We ended up following the trio to Umbitch's office.

"What are we doing?" I asked when we caught up to the, causing them to jump.

"You guys aren't coming." Harry said.

"You should know by now we're in this together. Anyways, somebody has to keep you from getting killed." I said.

   He sighed before nodding and we snuck into the bitch's office. We got to the fireplace, because we were apparently going to floo somewhere, when the door opened. Umbitch walked in, smirking at us. I seriously hate this lady. Anyways, the inquisitorial squad followed her and at some point we each had one of the members of the dumb squad members holding as back as they drug in Neville, Luna, and Ginny. Zabini was holding me back as I glared harshly at the bitch. He didn't have that hard of a grip on my arms, luckily.

"We found Longbottom and Weasley snooping the corridors." Malfoy sneered. So, what? Is Luna invisible.

"Where were going going? To get Dumbledore?" Umbitch asked Harry.

   Harry just glared at Umbitch as Snape walked in.

"Did you bring the veritaserum?" The bitch asked Snape.

"You used the last of it on Miss Chang." Snape drawled.

   So it wasn't Cho's fault, now I feel bad. Snape turned to leave but Harry yelled after him.

"He's got Padfoot! He's got Padfoot in the place that's hidden!" Harry said.

"What's a Padfoot?" Umbitch asked. I was wondering the same thing, bitch.

"I have no idea what he's talking about." Snape said before leaving.

   How do we keep ending up in this kind of shit?

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