A Basement of Woe

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Born to Endless Love Chapter Fifty-Four: A Basement of Woe

Max Age: 27, Alec age: 47

Darius Pov- "You can't possibly be thinking of going alone. Not with how run down you have been feeling lately," I heard Jaces voice from down the hall as I left my room. Curious, I went to find him to see who he was talking to.

When I got to the end of the hall, I saw Alec leaning against the wall with him, rubbing his temples in annoyance. Then again, he could just be suffering from another bad migraine. He's been getting a lot of those in the last six months.

"I don't need a babysitter, Jace. It's just a small headache. A werewolf is in need of assistance and it's my job as the head of the alliance to go talk to him."

"Can't you send Lily or Quinton to go talk to him? Hell, Quinton would be the perfect choice, seeing as he's a werewolf himself."

"The man asked for me personally. If it makes you feel better, I will take Max along to assist me."

Jace seemed confused by that. "Not that I question your son's abilities to help, but why not Magnus?"

"Magnus has a lot of High Warlock work piling up. He doesn't have time to help me with small things like this. It's just a home check. Nothing too serious."

"Still, you shouldn't go alone. I will go with you."

"You have patrolling with Simon and the kids tonight. He will need all the help he can get keeping them in line."

"Then I will go with you," I chimed in, finally making myself known. They both looked at me and Jace smiled, nodding.

"Excellent idea. Darius and Dantes can go along with you and Max."

Alec frowned at that. "I don't know. Too many nephilim around might make him feel intimidated."

"He wants help, right? More hands are better when someone needs help," I assured him. "We won't get in your way, promise."

Alec watched me silently before sighing, rolling his eyes. "Fine. Since you are all going to treat me like a child, you can come. Just don't smother me."

"Wouldn't dream of it. I'll go get Dante and meet you in front of the institute in a few minutes."

With that I made my way back to my room to get ready. When I entered, Dantes was laying in bed cuddled up in all the blankets. It was getting chilly since winter was coming soon, and Dantes couldn't stand the cold weather.

"Sorry to take you out of your warm cocoon my little butterfly, but we need to go assist Alec on a job."

He groaned, turning his back to me and pulling the blanket over his head. "Do I have to? It's so cold outside."

I sat down on the bed next to him, rubbing his back smiling. "I know, but Alec needs to go talk to a werewolf and Jace doesn't want him going alone. He's been getting these really bad headaches and Jace is worried it could impair his work."

Dantes peeked out from under the blanket pouting before sighing and sitting up. "Alright, I'll come with you. Can't we just go in his place? He's been having problems with his head for almost half a year now. I thought Magnus told him to take some time off while he looks into a stronger spell to help?"

I scoffed at that. "Telling Alec Lightwood-Bane to stop working is like pulling teeth. He won't stop if people keep needing his help."

Dantes got out of bed, shivering as his bare feet touched the cold wooden floor. I grabbed a pair of his socks before getting on the ground and placing them on his feet so they won't be cold.

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