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Born to Endless Love: Chapter Sixty-Eight- Communication

Max age: 29, Alec age: 48 going on 49, Michael age: 20, JJ age: 17 going on 18

JJ Pov- "Noah! Come on, will you please open the door and talk to me?" Kalen begged, standing out in the hallway, leaning against Noah's bedroom door.

"I don't want to talk to anyone right now! Leave me alone!" He screamed through the wood.

Natalie frowned, leaning in close and pressing her ear to the door. "Noah, I swear I didn't bring Valeria here to ruin your life. She needs Alec Lightwood's help."

"I said go away!" He screamed, a loud thud hitting the door soon after, like he threw something hard at it.

Kalen sighed, leaning back and running his hands up and down his face tiredly. "You couldn't have come here before your friend and given him a little bit of warning?"

Natalie crossed her arms over her chest, facing Kalen with a huff. "There was no time to warn him. Val is the one who should be upset right now. She is going through so much, and NOAH'S IMMATURE WHINING IS NOT HELPING THINGS!" she called loudly through the door.

Another thump hit the wood, showing that Noah once again threw something.

"Maybe we should give him some space before he breaks everything in his room," Maria suggested, Travis nodding in agreement.

Kalen frowned, looking back at Noah's door. "I can't just leave him like that."

I reached up, putting my hand on his shoulder and giving it a supportive squeeze. "He'll be okay. Maria is right. It's best to just let him cool down and figure things out on his own. He knows you will be here when he needs you."

The words I spoke formed cracks in my own heart, cracks that only got worse as Kalen looked down at me with those lost yet hopeful eyes. "You really think he will be okay?"

I nodded again. "He's stronger than you think."

He took a calming breath before nodding, smiling slightly at me. "Thanks Jon."

"Any time," I assured him, slowly letting my hand drop from his shoulder. My attention then turned to Michael who was leaning against the wall, looking lost in thought as he rubbed what remained of his right arm absentmindedly.

Frowning, I broke away from the others and went to stand in front of him. "Are you okay?"

He shrugged, avoiding eye contact with me. "Why wouldn't I be? Noah is the one with the problem right now."

"Yes, but don't think I didn't notice how badly you stiffened back there at the sight of Max." I cocked my head to the side curiously. "Did you... maybe wish to speak with him?"

He huffed out a laugh. "Why would I want to talk to that traitor? Hell, I can't even stand looking at him. Why was he even here anyway? Mom told him to stay away for a while."

"Yes, but he can't stay away forever. Like it or not, Max is still a part of our family. He is still our cousin."

"Our cousin, who stabbed us both in the back. Don't you resent him even a little bit, JJ? He's the reason your angelic powers are gone."

"Yes, but he is also the reason why I now can live freely with emotions. Whether or not that is a good or bad thing is still being determined."

Michael frowned at that. "It's a good thing. Being allowed to feel things and live the way you want is a good thing JJ."

I shrugged, crossing my arms. "Maybe so, but I wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for Max's spells and the demon attacks."

It's a cruel thing that I don't like thinking about. In order to get my freedom, Michael had to be tortured and brought to the brink of death. It seems unfair to be happy about being allowed to live as my own person, when my best friend had to be put through so much pain for it to happen.

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