A Day With Darius

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Max age: 17, Alec age: 37

Max Pov- I was sleeping soundly in my bed curled up in a cocoon of soft comforters. It was the middle of December and New York was in the middle of one of their coldest winters ever.

I didn't need to worry about the cold outside though because I had no reason to go into it. For once in my life I was happy about being homeschooled. Penelope, Quinton and Ebony all have to walk around in this horrible weather while I get to stay at home all warm and snug.

The door to my bedroom came crashing open making my eyes open in panic. I sat up in bed, my hand on fire ready to attack but the flame burned out when I saw it was only Darius standing at the door. He was leaning on the door frame laughing silently at my moment of panic.

"What the hell Darius? I could have torched you to ash if I didn't bother looking at who came in. Why did you come crashing into my room like that?"

"I wanted to make sure you'd wake up. Did that help" he asked smiling innocently.

"Oh yes that was loads of help" I said sarcastically before looking at my alarm clock frowning "it's only six in the morning. Why are you here so early?"

Darius's amused face became shy and he glanced away from me "I... I wanted to spend the day with you."

I blinked tiredly "okay, and that had to start at the crack of dawn?"

"Are you saying that our friendship isn't special enough to you that you won't get up at dawn and spend time with me" he asked crossing his arms.

"I'm not saying that at all Darius. All I'm saying is that the sun isn't even fully up yet and it's freezing outside. What do you plan for us to be doing this early in the morning?"

He smiled slightly "we're going to a mundane gym."

Now I was beyond confused "excuse me? A mundane gym? Why would you go to a mundane gym when you have a training room at the institute?"

Darius rolled his eyes as if my question was ridiculous "why do you think? You can't train at the institute because you're a warlock. I want to train with you so that means we're going to a mundane gym."

"I can't really train at a mundane gym either you know. I can't use my magic to properly train" I mumbled plopping my face back onto my pillow.

Darius walked up grabbing my comforter and pulling it off the bed making a rush of cold air hit me like a truck. I curled up into a ball hugging myself shivering before glaring at him. "Not cool Darius."

Darius dropped the blanket on the ground before crossing his arms again "there is more to training then using magic you know. You have to learn to train your body as well."

"I do train my body with my father. I have muscles to prove it so there is no point in me going to a mundane gym with you."

Darius frowned looking at me like a wounded animal. I tried not to fall for the look but it was too late. I was already caught in his trap.

Sighing I got out of bed and made my way over to my walk in closet. "What should I wear" I sighed finally giving in.

Darius clapped smiling "yay. Whatever you usually wear to train with your dad is fine. Bring some normal clothes with you because after training we are going somewhere else."

I looked at Darius confused "why is that?"

He shrugged "you and I are best friends right?"

I nodded "of course but that doesn't really answer my question now does it?"

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