The Birthday Date

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Born to Endless Love Chapter sixty-six: The Birthday Date

Max age: 28, Alec 48, Michael age: 19 going on 20, JJ age:17

JJ pov- "Whoa, what is going on here?" My dad asked the moment he entered my bedroom, looking around at crumpled up paper balls thrown all over my floor. I was sitting on my bed, biting my pen and looking over the hundredth list I've made in the last twenty-four hours. Groaning in dissatisfaction, I crumpled it up and threw it on the floor with the others.

"Why is this so hard?!"

"What exactly are you trying to do?" He asked, making his way through the carnage to sit on the edge of my bed.

"Michael's birthday is coming up and I want to do something for him. He's turning twenty, that's a really big deal isn't it?"

Dad nodded, reaching out and pushing some of my hair out of my face. "It is, but I don't know if Michael would want to celebrate right now, given the state he's been in lately. He barely leaves his room, so a party might be out of the question."

"That's why we need to do something, dad. Michael hasn't been himself and I don't like it. Normally he would be bugging you guys to throw him the biggest party ever. Now I don't even think he knows his birthday is coming up. Ever since he let slip what happened to him..."

I swallowed hard, looking down at the new blank sheet of paper in my lap. "He just hasn't been the same."

"Oh Jonathan, I know this might be hard for you to understand... but what Michael went through... There's a high chance that he might never be the same again. A lot was taken from him, and he feels hurt and betrayed. It might take a few years to shake the fear and shame off."

"But that's not Michael!" I countered, my voice rising with irritation. "Michael doesn't let things get him down for too long! He bounces back and gets stronger than he was before! That's the Michael I know!"

'Why is it always you?' Michael's voice suddenly invaded my mind. 'There's nothing special about me, I get that, but what's so special about you? Why does everyone like you when there is nothing to like about you?'

I clenched onto the notebook in my hands, trying to stay calm from remembering the fight we had before the demon attacks. Now that I could understand the weight of his words, they cut through me like a knife.

Both Michael and Kalen were right about me not being able to understand how I hurt them. I still don't really understand what I did, but it must be something really bad, right? Though, maybe not. I always saw Michael and Kalen as strong people who are always happy and smiling, but there might have always been pain underneath, that I wasn't able to see. They both hold it deep down so no one will ever be able to see it. Eventually it all comes bubbling to the surface and explodes.

I caused them both to explode that day.

'Big surprise that you don't understand. Why would you?' Michaels voice repeated in my mind.

'Because I'm in love with you!' Kalen's voice joined in. 'I've been in love with you since the moment I first laid eyes on you! All I want is to be with you, but you can't possibly understand that!'

My dad's strong hand gripped my shoulder and squeezed slightly, bringing me back to earth. I glanced up at him frowning, before glancing back down at the paper. "Sorry for raising my voice."

He smiled slightly. "I like when you raise your voice. It's proof that you finally get to be your own person."

"What's the point of being my own person, when I still don't understand how to 'be a person'?"

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