The Aftermath

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Born to Endless Love Chapter Sixty: The Aftermath

Max age: 28, Alec age: 48, Michael age: 19, JJ age: 17

Max Pov- Three days have passed and things weren't looking good for anyone. Father was in a coma, the pendent that contains his soul now laying on top of his chest. Dad said that the two parts of his soul needed to flush themselves out and gain strength from one another. I didn't completely understand it, but I trust that dad knows what he's doing.

Neither Michael or JJ have woken up either.

Aunt Isabelle and Uncle Simon have been watching their son like a hawk, afraid he will once again stop breathing. Besides losing his arm though, he seemed to be okay. The color was back in his olive skin, and his breathing was normal.

Well, it was normal until he would go into a nightmare and start hyperventilating. The adults all think he is traumatized from losing his arm and life, but I can't help but wonder if that's really the case.

I'm the only one who knows the full truth of what happened in that alleyway. What Michael was forced to endure. I haven't told anyone, because it's not my place to tell. That will have to be completely up to Michael, when he does finally wake up.

A part of me knows I'll have to tell him the truth. That I'm the one who caused all of this. That the cousin who he looked up to, saw as his hero, ended up damning him in the end. It wasn't fair to keep it from him... or anyone else.

My dad hasn't told anyone that I'm the one who summoned the demons. He says that I should be the one to do it, but it should wait until things calm down and father is awake. I know none of my family will go running to tell the Clave what I have done, but who knows if any of the Nephilim visiting will be as courteous. Hell, Gabe might just stab me in the back and tell on me. He's always wanted dirt to use on me against the Clave, and now he will finally have it.

Though, a part of me wonders if he will truly go through with it. He's changed a lot since Joseph died, and we aren't complete enemies anymore. Not so much friends either. Maybe frenemies?

Anyway, JJ was also asleep, trapped inside his own mind. Unlike Michael, he hasn't moved an inch since bringing his Parabatai back to life. The only indication that he didn't give his own life to save Michael's was the small rise and fall of his chest.

We were all still pretty confused about everything that went on that day. JJ grew real angel wings on his back, and heavenly fire surrounded him like a shield. It broke through my spell, as if it was a piece of plastic wrap, easy to tear. We always knew JJ was powerful, but not angel levels.

What would happen when he woke up? Would he just simply return to how he used to be? Right before he threw himself at Michael, his stone face crumbled, revealing years of pent up fear, heartache, and emotion. Would all those feelings lock themselves away? Would he finally be able to express himself freely? None of us know.

I half expected Kalen to be glued at his bedside, but he has only gone to see JJ twice, and both times were with Travis and Maria. Instead, he's been spending all his time with his new boyfriend, Noah. I wonder if he is just trying to distract himself, or if he was truly trying to avoid being around JJ. He's been acting a little off since all this started.

I walked into my fathers room, running my hand over my face tiredly. So much has been going on, that I haven't even been able to check in with Andrew, Quinton, or Penelope to make sure they were alright. Darius assured me they were all fine, that nothing bad happened to Penny or her daughter Jemma, since they were hiding in the emergency shelter that the werewolves have for protection.

Andrew himself has been working round the clock for Lily, making sure that our Downworlder allies were safe and accommodated if injured or killed. The most I got from him was a text assuring that he was safe and that we needed to talk very soon.

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