Who Could Love it?

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Max age: 9, Alec age: 29

Max Pov- "Why should I have to watch him" I asked glaring down at my one year old cousin Michael Lovelace-Lightwood. He was sitting at my feet playing with my shoe laces. "Because all the grownups have to go to a meeting and I'm trusting you to be a big boy and handle Michael" My father said grabbing some books. "I'm a grownup to I should get to go."

That made both my daddy and my Aunt Isabelle laugh. "Sorry blueberry you're not quite there yet. You're only nine years old." I crossed my arms pouting "that's practically grown up" I said making them laugh at me again.

Father got to my level putting his hands on my shoulders "Now listen to me son. You are the only one we can trust to watch Michael. It's a very important task that a grownup like you should be able to handle." I pouted "But father" I whined.

"Grownups don't whine Maxwell" father said standing up and going back to getting things ready. I sighed looking back down at Michael. Ever since I turned nine my father has been acting crazy protective. He never lets me do anything a mundane couldn't do which frankly is boring.

I haven't really used my magic since the day I burned that boy and I've been way too scared to try. It's been a year since it happened but I was still terrified of not being able to control myself. I have nightmares about that boy almost every night and sometimes the dreams get worse. Sometimes I dream that I killed my dad's or cousin.

There's two dreams I have though that are always the most terrifying. It's the same dream but involves two different people on different nights. I dream about the story father told me about how he killed his stepfather. In the dream I'm the boy getting drowned and the person drowning me is a beautiful women that I've never seen before.

Those ones are bad yes but the worst version is when it's my father drowning me. It's absurd to imagine my kind father who loves me more than anything drowning me in a lake but in this dream he's different. His eyes are always filled with the hate I fear will become real someday and his grip on me as he drowns me is so strong I can't even move. The worst parts of the dream though is when I burn him alive.

Like daddy the dream always ends with me burning someone to death. I feel bad when I kill the woman yeah but when I kill father I feel so cold inside I might just freeze over. Daddy assured me that they're just nightmares that have no meaning. When I asked him who he thinks the woman was he always changes the subject.

"Fine I'll stay here and watch Michael" I sighed crossing my arms. It was better than going with them and possibly needing to fight with magic if something went wrong. Father smiled and ran his fingers through my hair the way I liked. "See you really are growing up, it makes me a little sad."

"Not me" I said simply. "I can't wait until I'm older." There was a flicker of sadness in father's eyes and it made me stop talking. There was a subject daddy and I normally avoided around father and that was talk of getting older. I never really knew for sure why it was we avoided the subject, daddy just wouldn't talk about it.

Father stood up looking at daddy "let's go" he said before grabbing the books and walking out. I frowned watching him before looking at daddy and Aunt Isabelle "did I say something wrong?" Isabelle shrugged "He's just upset that he's turning thirty soon." Daddy elbowed her glaring and I blinked confused before looking up at him "What's bad about father being thirty. You're over four hundred years old... or was it eight hundred?"

Daddy looked down at me looking like he was thinking about saying something. "Max when I get home you and I need to have a talk." I frowned "Am I in trouble?" He shook his head no "It's not that... there's just been something we need to discuss."

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