Growing up Too Fast

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Max age: 10, Alec: 30

Magnus Pov- I watched Alexander pack a bag to go to Idris by himself. "I don't see why Max and I can't go with you." "Because Max isn't comfortable yet going back to Idris. He doesn't want to risk seeing the boy he burned or worse his father."

I rolled my eyes thinking about Gabriel Rosewood, the father of that little boy Max accidently burned three years ago. "Don't let that idiot give you a hard time while you're over there. We already did all we could to help his son heal he should lay off of us." "Yeah but I still feel bad for the kid. He's the only kid his age with a burn mark across his face."

"I think he deserved it" I said crossing my arms. "He and his friends tormented Max and forced him into defending himself." Alec sighed pulling his last sweater out of the closet and folding it. "I still don't like that Max lied to me about what happened. If he told me that the kids were saying bad things to him I would have defended him more."

I smiled getting behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist "He was hoping his action would change the boys thoughts on us. I can't help but wonder if it worked." Alec shrugged leaning into my chest "I guess we'll see in time." I kissed his cheek before letting him go "while you're out playing Shadowhunter I'll be spending quality time with my little man."

Alec put his folded sweater in his suitcase before shutting it. "actually you need to take Max to Penelope's birthday party in Central Park today." I frowned "do I have to stay there as well?" He nodded picking up his suitcase and heading to the living room "the party's only an hour long so there's no point in leaving."

I followed him pouting "but I hate having to sit with all the other moms and have them ask me stupid questions about why I decided to adopt a kid at such a young age and why I decided to marry a man so much older than me." The first time I met the moms of Max's friends I wasn't prepared. They showed up without warning and I didn't have time to put on a glamour so they all think I'm only nineteen years old. Alexander and I are the scandalous couple in the group because we're gay, we homeschool our kid, and worst of all they think Alec's a cradle robber.

The funny thing about that whole thing is that if anyone was a cradle robber it would be the eight hundred year old warlock. "At least they still like you. They smile and act nice but the moment I turn my back they whisper about me saying horrible things. One of them thought I was flirting with their teenage son" Alec said rolling his eyes.

"Let's hope Max meets some Downworlder friends soon" I sighed before walking to the wall to make a portal. Max came out of his room playing a handheld video game and barely paying attention as he went into the kitchen. I was sad to see my son start to tilt into the preteen stage always playing video games or spending time with Penelope. She was his only friend and yeah he hung out with her friends every once in a while but he wasn't really that close to them.

"Hey max, how about you come in here and say goodbye to father" I said before going back to making a portal. Max came out of the kitchen still playing his game but he stopped briefly to kiss Alec on the cheek. "Have a safe trip father. Come home safe."

Alec ran his hand through max's hair like he always did smiling. "you sure you don't want to come with me to Idris? I'm sure grandpa would love to see you." His entire body tensed at the question and he quickly shook his head no.

Alec frowned dropping his hand "maybe next time then. Have fun at your party Alright?" Max nodded before going back to playing his game while walking to his room. Alec watched him before looking back at me saying "maybe I shouldn't go."

"You have no choice Alexander. Just leave Max to me I'll make sure he's taken care of." Alec looked skeptical but didn't say another word about it. He kissed me touching my cheek.

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