A Wedding To Remember Part One

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Born to Endless Love: Chapter Thirty Six - A Wedding to Remember Part One.

Max age: 21, Alec age: 41

Max Pov- “The wedding is tomorrow and everything needs to be beyond perfect,” I ordered, looking around the clubhouse that would be used for the reception. Penelope and Quinton had a whole binder full of things they wanted at their wedding and as their wedding planners, my dad and I were making sure it was followed to a T.

Penelope wanted the wedding to be in Jamaica, so dad and I ‘bought’ round trip tickets for all of her and Quinton’s family. Quin having a hispanic family made it far from easy, There are so many of them! Father of course hated us stealing a whole plane worth of tickets, but he knew how hard it would have been for everyone to get to the wedding if we didn’t.

Penelope and Quinton took a plane with their families while everyone else who knew about the Shadow world portaled with us. Andrew was still in New York for now. He had some business to take care of for Lily so he’s not coming in until tomorrow.

That sucks for me because Ebony came with Penelope and her family, so I will most definitely have to face her today. I was hoping Andrew would be standing next to me when that happened. Guess that won’t be the case.

Anyway, everything in the room was perfection. White table clothes over round tables, White roses inside long crystal vases, and sparkling chandeliers hanging from the ceiling to give the room an elegant feel. I also had the werewolf pack symbol pressed into each napkin. The mundanes would just think it’s a strange style choice. The Downworlders will know its for a traditional werewolf wedding.

Sadly, that was the closest thing Quinton was going to get to a traditional werewolf wedding. None of his family know about him being a werewolf, not even his parents. The wolves will have to do whatever traditions they have sometime before the wedding. One of those traditions is that Maia helps Quinton get ready. Just like with a father giving away a bride, the leader of a pack needs to bless the marriage and give their permission to marry.

Of course Maia would give Quin her blessing. She loved Penelope and she hasn’t stopped crying since getting here. You would think that Quin is her son with how much she cried over giving him away. In a way, I guess Quinton is like her son. She took him in and gave him somewhere to belong. She showed him how to hone in his anger and how to be not just a noble wolf, but also a respectful man.

“Everything does look perfect. I don’t think there is anything else for us to do,” dad said looking around again. Darius and Dantes sighed with relief, slumping into a chair together. “Thank the angel. You had us move so many chairs and tables that I can’t feel my arms now,” Darius whined.

“Oh get over it ya big baby,” I teased before looking at the time. Penny’s plane should have landed by now. She would be here to check on the decorations any minute. “Seems we finished just in time.”

Dantes took a sip of water before smirking at me. “Let's take a break from worrying about the wedding for a moment. Let's talk about your date. Where is he? Will we get to meet him before the wedding?”

I shook my head at his nosieness before going back to looking through the binder, wanting to triple check to make sure everything was just right. “He had some stuff to do for his clan leader, so he will be coming in tomorrow.”

“I’m starting to think this guy is imaginary. We’ve never seen him before,” Dantes pointed out, leaning against Darius.

“Well Quinton met him the same day I did, so he’s definitely not imaginary.”

“It’s true, I seen him with my own eyes,” Quinton’s voice answered back making me smile and turn toward the door. He and penelope were walking in with their arms linked together. I smiled excitedly before holding my arms out, gesturing around the room.

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