Lost and Found

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Born To Endless Love: Chapter 40- Lost and Found

Max age: 21,  Alec age: 41 

Max Pov- Are you really just going to sit there and sulk all day," Darius asked standing next to my bed with his arms crossed over his chest.

I was laying in said bed, moping over how unfair life can be. Andrew and I were supposed to go on our first real date today. Something with lily's clan came up though and she needed her daytime representative to go in her place to fix it as soon as possible. This was the third time in a row our first date had to be canceled because of responsibilities.

Being an adult was so uncool sometimes.

"I just wanted to spend time with Andrew," I groaned, hiding my face in my pillow.

Dantes who was leaning on the doorframe shook his head at me. "Well you'll have to settle for us instead. Your dad told us to come get you and take you outside. He said you're being too depressing."

Darius nodded smiling. "We're going to a new restaurant in Times Square. It's really hard to get in right now, but the owner is a werewolf and I helped him out while patrolling the other day, so he made me a reservation."

That did sound nice. Getting into a popular exclusive restaurant was something I've never done before. Besides, we were still looking for our new hang out spot since Taki's closed. Maybe this could be it.

"Fine, I'll go with you" I sighed, getting out of bed.

Darius smiled and patted me on the back. "Good boy. Get ready and meet us in the living room."

They both left me alone and I sighed before doing what they said. I was already dressed anyway, since I was prepared to go on a date. My makeup and hair just needed a few touch ups.

Once that was all taken care of I made my way to the living room only to stop in my tracks the moment I walked in.

"Oh no, we're going through this again," I groaned, finding my father standing in the middle of the living room surrounded by planning boards and maps. He was laser focused, biting the end of his pen and once again blocking out the rest of the world.

Dad laughed, leaning back on the couch and just watching father work as if it was an entertaining show. "We completely lost him. It's not surprising though. We are at the home stretch after all."

Dantes looked at him confused. "The home stretch for what?"

"The Downworlder orphanages right," Darius answered, looking over the boards father had set up.

Dad nodded smiling. "There's only one so far and it's in New York. The building is finally complete so children will be able to move in, in the next couple of days. The Silent Brothers have been gathering Downworlder children in need for the past few months, so we already have a good chunk of children to fill the rooms."

Dantes frowned at that. "It's sad that there are so many Downworlder orphans out there."

"Sadly that's how the world is," dad sighed frowning.

We all stood in silence for a long moment before Darius broke the silence, smiling at me. "Well hopefully these kids get raised right and find good homes. Alec made these Orphanages to help the population of Downworlder children."

It's hard to believe that this project was finally in it's finished stages. Father fought the Clave to build these orphanages over a year ago. He had hoped that the project would hit the ground running, but since most of the Clave was against it, they drug their feet to get it done.

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