Catching the Eyes of an Angel

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Born to Endless Love Chapter 43: Catching the Eye of an Angel 

Michael age: 13, JJ age: 11, Kalen age: 13 

Kalen Pov 

“I didn’t think it was possible to make throwing knives look adorable, but JJ found a way to do it,” I sighed in awe, leaning on a stack of mats and watching him practice throwing training knives at a wall. Travis glanced over at JJ before rolling his eyes for the millionth time. 

“You are ridiculous. He hasn’t made a single throw.” 

“I know, and the pouty look he gets on his face when he misses is adorable.” 

He seemed dumbfounded by this. “What pouty face? All his expressions are exactly the same. The guy is an emotionless husk.” 

I scoffed at that, glaring at him. “Don’t talk about him like that. He totally makes different faces. Like when his nose scrunches, it means he is confused about something. He’s angry when his right eye twitches, and when he’s embarrassed, his cheeks puff out slightly.” 

“You’re a creeper, you know that. You seriously know all his ‘face expressions’?” 

“Every single one,” I boasted proudly. 

“What about when he’s happy,” Travis asked, leaning against the mats with me. The question caused me to frown. 

“Well… I don’t know. I’ve never seen him be excited over anything.” 

“I bet Michael knows,” Travis teased, making me punch him in the arm. He knows I hate how close Michael is to JJ. He has been with him all his life, so he knows every little thing about him. I want to be the one to know all those things. JJ clings to Michael and likes his company. He’s never once shown interest in spending time with me. 

I’m practically invisible to him. 

“They are going to be Parabatai, so you have nothing to worry about. Besides, I don’t think Michael swings that way. I would say JJ might not either, but with the way he looks at Gabe, it’s pretty obvious he does.” 

“Don’t mention that jerk to me,” I grumbled, looking back at JJ. As if summoning a demon, Gabe walked into the room and went right up to him. He got down on one knee and grabbed JJ’s wrist, showing him how to bend it to make the perfect throw. 

That slight color of pink dusted across JJ’s cheeks but besides that, there was no change to his face. Still, that blush said everything. What was it about Gabe that he liked? Was it his muscles? Was it because he was older and handsome as hell? 

I’m older too. Well, not by much but I am older than JJ. The muscles don’t seem to be working out yet, but I’m trying to get them. Maybe it’s the way Gabe throws knives. That could be why JJ finds him so attractive. 

“I’m going to show JJ how to throw a dagger properly,” I declared, standing up straight. Travis frowned at this and put his hand on my shoulder. 

“Kalen, think about this for a moment. You are terrible at throwing knives. If you go over there, you will just make an ass of yourself. As your future Parabatai, I have to advise you not to go over there.” 

I scoffed at that, brushing his hand off of me. “I know how to throw a knife. It’s not that hard.” 

“You have literally never made one stick ever.” 

“Have a little faith in your future Parabatai,” I said before making my way over to them. 

“I have faith that you are an idiot,” he called after me. Ignoring him, I walked straight up to JJ, making him look up at me curiously. 

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