A Wedding To Remember Part 3

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Born To Endless Love Chapter Thirty-Eight: A Wedding to Remember Part Three.

Max age: 21, Alec age: 41

Max Pov- “Jamaica is so pretty. God I never want to leave,” Andrew gushed, taking photos of everything around him with his phone. I shook my head smiling at him.

“You are the leader of the vampire clan of New York, you can’t move to Jamaica.”

“I’m not really the clan leader so I can do whatever I want,” He teased smirking at me. I smirked back at him crossing my arms over my chest.

“ You may be a Daylighter but i’m pretty sure you would eventually burn to a crisp if you lived here. Anyway, This is not what I thought I would find you doing once I got back from getting wedding photos taken.”

“New York summers get hot too,” he said simply before putting his phone in his pocket. “I wish I could have went with you to get the photos taken. I don’t like the thought of leaving you alone with your ex for too long. Have you met her fiance yet? Is he better looking than me?”

“I haven’t met him and I highly doubt he looks even remotely better than you.”

He smiled happily at my comment, before wrapping his arm around mine. “Right, well we should head the the reception hall. Time to make everyone jealous by having a sexy piece of arm candy at your side.”

“You are definitely not modest,” I laughed shaking my head. He held onto my arm tighter, holding it against his chest as he smirked up at me.

“You didn’t choose to marry me because i’m modest.”

We walked into the reception hall and it was already full of people mingling and laughing together. My parents were across the room talking to Quintons parents, and Penelope’s mom. The whole group laughing and most likely retelling old embarrassing stories about their children. With the possibility of that, it was my job to keep Andrew far away from any possible incriminating stories they could be telling about me.

Bringing my attention to the other side of the room, I could see both Amanda and Jessica sitting on each side of Darius at one of the tables. They were obviously flirting with him, trying to get him to dance with one of them. A few feet away Dantes was fuming, most likely trying to make his way over to them and tare their hair out, but Gabe was holding him back, seeming shocked by Dante’s reaction.

It’s not surprising that Gabe is taken back by Dante’s aggression. As far as he knew, Dantes was sweet and innocent. Now he was trying to murder two girls by just glaring at them.

“Before we make anyone jealous, I have to do some damage control,” I said before leading us over to Gabriel and Dantes. Andrew smiled glancing back and forth between them and the girls around Darius.

“Well I do love drama at a wedding.”

“Let’s hope this is as bad as it gets,” I mumbled back to him before smiling at Dantes. “Hey buddy, what’s going on over here?”

Dantes pulled out of Gabe’s grip before glaring at me. “Why do those stupid mundane bitches have their arms all over Darius? They haven’t stopped gawking at him since the wedding started? I’m about to go over there and pull those fake extensions right off their heads.”

“Your faerie side is showing Dantes, try to calm down,” I sighed, wondering what I should do if I can’t get this under control. Maybe I should go get those girls away from Darius myself.

“I don’t care. Darius is too nice of a guy to push them away so i’m going to do it,” he hissed.

Andrew let go of my arm before reaching out and grabbing Dantes’s hands. “Sweetie, calm down for a minute. Take some deep breaths and let them out your nose. How about we breathe together, okay?”

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