The Secret Party

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Max Age: 16, Alec Age: 36

Max Pov- "But you promised we would spend my birthday together" I said taking my father's sweater out of his overnight bag. He put some gear in before taking the sweater back and putting it back in. "I know we promised Max and I wish we could. This is a super important conclave meeting that can't be rescheduled. You can have a couple of your friends over and celebrate with them."

I rolled my eyes "I see why dad has to go since he's the representative for the warlocks but why do you have to go?" "Because as many Shadowhunters as possible need to be at this meeting. Darius and Dantes aren't old enough to go so you can invite them over." "Stop taking the conversation back to my friends; I want you and dad here."

Dad walked in also packing some stuff "Max we're letting you stay home by yourself for a whole night. Most kids your age would be excited about this." I looked at him "I would be excited about it if it was on any other day but my birthday." Father ran his hand through my hair smiling "come on Max you're sixteen now; try to at least act a little older."

I pouted childishly wanting to do the opposite of what he told me to do. Being sixteen didn't mean I couldn't be childish. "Dad was supposed to teach me how to do portals today." "I told you I would teach you portaling when you're sixteen not on your sixteenth birthday."

Father looked at the time "we need to get going Magnus or we'll be late." Dad nodded going to the living room to make a portal. Father grabbed both his and dads bags before following. I followed frowning "you two aren't listening to me."

"We are listening to you Blueberry, but we need to get going." The apartment buzzer went off and I sighed going over to it and just pushing the button to let whoever was at the door in. "You two are leaving me and you don't even care" I said trying to go for the guilt trip. Using gilt on my father usually worked but he pretty much ignored it now.

Dad finished the portal before looking at father "let's go." Father nodded before leaning down and kissing my cheek "be a good boy." I rolled my eyes "aren't I always good?" Dad nodded "yeah which is why we are trusting you to stay home alone."

The front door opened and Penelope walked in with Quinton, Darius and Dantes. "Let's get ready to celebrate." "Don't celebrate too hard" father said grabbing my dad's hand and going through the portal with him. Once the portal closed I rolled my eyes "why do stupid Clave meetings always come before me?"

"It's hard not to go to Clave meetings when you're so important to the fight" Darius said putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him "then why aren't you and Dantes going?" "We are only sixteen we aren't old enough to attend meetings." Penny shoved Darius aside, getting in my face "so you're home alone all night long?"

I leaned back so she wasn't so close to my face "yeah what about it?" Her grin grew even wider which was not a good thing. "You know what this means don't you? You're sixteen today and your parents aren't here. We should throw a party!"

My eyes widened in shock "I can't do that. If my father found out I threw a party while he and dad were gone, he would kill me. They trust me to be responsible and not disrespect them." Penny rolled her eyes "You can't turn sixteen without a party."

I looked over at Quinton frowning "talk some sense into your girlfriend." Quin smiled "I think she's right Max. You have this entire flat to yourself you should take advantage of it." Darius crossed his arms "now listen here, you can't just talk Max into doing something he doesn't want to do. He could get in so much trouble."

Penelope put her arm around Darius, she had to step onto her tip toes to do it but she managed it. "This won't just be a party for Max. It can also be a 'welcome to the Mundane world' party for you and Dantes." Darius glared at her "we have lived here for two years already."

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