Sins and Revivals

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A/N: (Song above hits you in the feels  if you listen to it with the context of Gabriel and Joseph's relationship. Should totally listen to it at the end of the chapter if you got time. A gorgeous song.)

Born to Endless Love Chapter Seventy: Sins and revivals

Max age: 29, Alec age: 49, Michael age: 20, JJ age: 18

Gabriel pov- "This is crazy. I have to be completely out of my mind. Why did I answer him in the first place?" I asked myself as I paced up and down the front steps of the Hotel Dumort.

Lucas had texted me, inviting me for a night on the town. All my instincts told me to reject the offer, that I didn't need to get involved any deeper with the surprisingly charming vampire, but before I knew it, I was texting back 'what time?'

I haven't seen him since the night we kissed in the park. The memory of it hasn't left my mind, and it makes my stomach feel like it is twisting in knots. It's not fair to Joseph that my attention is being drawn away. The only reason I started helping that psycho Hayden is to bring Joseph back to life, so we can finally be together.

Is that something Joseph would want though?

There has to be some kind of catch for Hayden bringing him back to life for me. Sure, I nabbed Alec's amulet for him, but that couldn't possibly be the only thing he could want from me. Not only that, he claimed bringing back Joseph was just as important to him as it was for me. Wouldn't that mean he would end up using Joseph for something evil?

My brain is spinning with all the possible outcomes. From the moment I kissed Lucas, I have been second guessing everything. My involvement with Hayden, giving away Alec's soul, giving JJ the necklace to absorb Joseph's soul.

Maybe I should finally confront JJ about Joseph. If I talk to him about it, maybe he will talk to Joseph for me and ask him what he wants me to do. Maybe he doesn't want to be brought back. He can't possibly be happy following me around for all eternity though, so is there something else I could do to help him find peace?

Frowning to myself, I look around me, as if I could possibly see Joseph's ghost if I look hard enough. Was he with me the night I kissed Lucas? Has he seen the turmoil in my heart over whether or not I should move on from him? Does my thinking about moving on hurt him?

And what about Hayden? He won't simply let me change my mind about everything. He can't bring Joseph back without me bringing him the necklace, so what if I destroyed the necklace instead?

Even as I'm thinking that, my heart aches. The part of my heart that still desperately loves Joseph. The part of me who wants to look into his beautiful hazel eyes again and see him smile. The part of me who wants to hold him close and kiss him. Treat him the way I should have the moment he confessed to being in love with me.

If I reject Hayden and not bring him the necklace, then would he go to other lengths to get it? What if he tried to hurt Lucas?

"Wow, you look like you're having an existential crisis. You okay?" Lucas asked, standing at the top of the stairs.

I turned around to answer him, but was caught speechless at the sight of him. Once again, he wasn't wearing his signature leather jacket. Instead he had on some tight black slacks with a dark blue button up shirt tucked into it. The sleeves were rolled up over his elbows and the first few buttons were left undone so part of his chest was exposed. There was a black choker around his neck along with a long chain with a cross at the end of it.

I glanced at the cross around his neck, surprised. Vampires can't touch crosses or religious items, right? So how was he wearing that?

He must have noticed me looking, because he grabbed it tight in his hand awkwardly. "I spent years training myself to be able to wear it. My husband may have been a crazy cult leader, but that doesn't change how important my faith is to me. I lost everything... but I couldn't bear to lose god too."

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