The Art of Healing Part 2

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Born to Endless Love chapter Seventy-Three: The Art of Healing Part 2

Max age: 29, Alec age: 49, Michael age: 20, JJ age: 18

Gabriel pov

"Are you sure you don't want to lay down and get some rest? Your body went through a lot. Surely you are tired," Jace Herondale asked as I made my way to the training room.

It's my first day being back since the incident with Hayden's magic happened. I had been staying with the Lightwood-Banes, but Magnus dubbed me healthy enough to return to the institute. Which I was grateful for, because I don't think I would have been able to handle another moment of looking at Alec Lightwood without being crushed with guilt.

I've thought through all the possible ways I could tell Alec about Hayden having his amulet, but every time I would try to voice it, my throat would close up. Almost like a warning of what will happen if I continue to speak.

There was no way of telling him. I tried writing it down but my hand just hovered over the paper. Hell, I even tried playing charades, but Max is terrible at guessing, and thought I was talking about potatoes. How the hell he came to that conclusion is beyond me.

"I'm feeling much better. All I really did at the Lightwood-Bane house was rest, so I would like to move around some. My muscles have gotten kind of stiff."

Jace didn't seem completely fond of that idea, but he nodded anyway. "The kids are training right now."

"They won't bother me, don't worry," I assured him.

I pushed the training room doors open and walked in, looking around to see who was here. Much to my surprise, Michael was present. He had empty soda cans lined up in a row and was trying to hit them with his whip, using his left hand.

He has already improved since the last time I saw him attempt to use it. Last time, he could barely get the tip of the whip to leave his side. Now it lashed out with a crack to the middle of the floor, but he still didn't have control over which direction the whip went. This caused him to miss the cans with each attempt.

Michael sighed in frustration before recoiling the whip and trying again.

Spectating from the corner was the newest addition to the institute, Valeria Goldhawk. She sat there silently, watching Michael as she absentmindedly rubbed the tiny baby bump that made up her stomach.

Natalie was sitting next to her, talking her ear off about something. Valeria didn't seem to be paying much attention to her though.

Looking to the far corner of the room, I was surprised to see JJ, Travis, and Maria all together. JJ was sitting in the corner with his arms wrapped around his knees, pouting about something, while the other two were standing over him.

Curious of what was going on, I made my way over to them. "Why so glum, Jay?"

JJ pouted even more and hid his face in his knees, making Maria sigh and Travis shake his head.

"He's just bummed that his boyfriend left him. It's only for a month, but he is acting like it will be forever."

"Boyfriend? When did you get a boyfriend, JJ?"

Maria sighed, crossing her arms. "Kalen and him finally started dating on his birthday."

He's dating Kalen? Well, it's about damn time.

"Kalen always goes home at least one month a year. It never seemed to bother you before," Travis scolded him.

That was the wrong thing to say because JJ got even more depressed and slumped onto his side, drowning in a pool of misery.

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