Love Thy Parabatai

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Max age: 20, Alec Age: 40

Max Pov- "I forgot how peaceful it is to just sit by Lake Lynn and feel the sun on your face," Dantes said, having his feet in the water. Darius nodded in agreement grabbing some rocks and skipping them across the water. "I guess staying in Idris a little longer wasn't a bad idea after all."

My parents headed home to get the orphanage plan underway. I said that I wanted to stay in Idris a little longer for I can spend some more time with my grandfather. That wasn't a complete lie, I did want to spend time with grandpa. The real reason I wanted to stay though was to try to help Joseph Branwell.

Dantes keeps saying that he doesn't deserve my help but I think everyone deserves a second chance. He's obviously in love with Gabe who is completely homophobic. Them being Parabatai is also an obstacle between them. It's still not legal to be in love with your Parabatai. I don't know if that will ever be possible.

"I'm just glad we haven't run into our fathers again. I'm not ready to face him," Darius said frowning. I frowned looking up at him. "You did a good job defending Dantes from him the other day." Dantes nodded in agreement but Darius shook his head. "when my dad glared at me I couldn't speak. It just made me remember when I was small and he would smack me across the face for talking back to him."

Dantes nodded frowning at his reflection in the water. "we both have abusive fathers so I get what you mean. I still can't stand that stuff he said about my mother. She may have been Fay, but she would have never tricked anyone into loving her against their will. He just doesn't want to look bad."

"Do you think Joseph and Gabe are like that," I asked suddenly, making them both look at me confused. I cleared my throat before looking out at the lake and continuing. "Maybe they act like assholes because that's all they know. I'm sure their parents are just as bad as yours and I'm also sure they would do anything to make them proud, even become hateful people."

"It's a possibility sure but it's unlikely. Even when I was their friend I was the nicest out of the three of us. It may be too late to knock sense into them. I think you're wasting your time trying to help them, Max."

I crossed my arms at that. "What if I said that about you? I could have thought to help you was a waste of my time and I could have told the Clave that you caused me to burn you. I'm sure our lives would be a lot different if I had done that so yes, it was worth my time. This could be too."

Darius stayed silent, not knowing how to counter that. I nodded and stood up, taking my feet out of the water. "Everyone deserves a second chance, Darius. I gave you one and I am willing to give them one as well."

"You may have a chance of befriending Joseph but I think Gabriel is out of the question," Dantes said frowning. "His parents are the toughest out of any of us and Darius's dad is his godfather. He has a lot to live up to."

That explained why Gabe and Darius's dad had the same name. I always thought it was a coincidence but I guess he was named after him.

"I'm starving, want to go into Alicante and see if there's anything good to eat?" They both nodded, standing up and putting their shoes back on. I put on mine before the three of us headed to the city.

"You know Max, instead of focusing on other people's potential boyfriends, maybe we should focus on your own. I want to meet this Andrew person sooner, rather than later." I could feel my face burning up from Darius's words. "Andrew and I are just friends."

Dantes rolled his eyes, "yes for now but you have talked about dating yes?" "Well sort of, we said we would be friends 'for now'. I would assume for now means someday we will become more. We're immortal though so it could be thousands of years before that happens."

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