A Not So Happy Birthday

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A/N: This is a Malec Chapter! Yay! 

Max age: 20, Alec age: 40

Alec Pov- I could hear feet shuffling around me but I was too tired to care. Okay, that's a lie. I'm not tired at all. I just know what day it is and I'm regretting it so I feel like the longer I sleep, the longer I can avoid it. As the shuffling noise got closer though, it was hard to keep ignoring.

Why did Max and Magnus think they could surprise me awake every year on this day? They must know that I have superior hearing and can sense them coming a mile away. Even so, they always sneak up to the bed and scream at me to get up. I internally sighed counting down from ten, knowing it would only be ten more seconds until they popped up and yelled surprise.

Once my count got to one, two loud voices yelled simultaneously "Happy birthday Father!" and Happy birthday Alexander!" I peeked one of my eyes open at them and sure enough, Magnus was holding a chocolate cake covered to the brink in candles that were lit with his signature blue fire. If I had to guess, I would say there were forty candles on the cake.

"Blow them out and make a wish" Max cheered excitedly, clapping his hands. I forced a smile on my face, looking at the dreaded candles. Like I thought, there were indeed forty on the cake. 'I wish this day was over' I thought before blowing all the candles out. They both cheered before Magnus snapped his fingers, making the candles vanish so no wax would fall onto the cake.

"There's breakfast ready in the kitchen for you Alexander. It's all your favorites" Magnus said smiling, before walking out of the room with the cake. I got out of my blankets putting my bare feet on the cozy carpet of our bedroom floor. "Let me guess, you took it from some fancy café" I called out to him. "Father, I made everything myself" Max boasted proudly.

Out of all the things that could have surprised me today, that had to be it. I don't think I've ever seen Max touch a pan let alone cook. "By made do you mean with magic?" He crossed his arms looking at me offended. "No! I really did make you everything with my own cooking skills."

"You have cooking skills," I asked, making him huff. "You're lucky it's your birthday" he grumbled before walking out. I laughed slightly, shaking my head before frowning thinking about that. Today was my birthday. My fortieth birthday.

The thought of it made me feel ten times older than I was. I couldn't help but hate my birthday every year it came around. I used to love it, and the thought of getting older. When I turned eighteen was my favorite birthday because I was so excited to finally be considered an adult. Now, though... growing old just makes me feel lousy.

If my husband and son grew older with me then it might not be an issue but that's not the case. They are immortal which means they will stay frozen in a young state while I get old, wrinkly and I'll someday die. The thought of dying someday and leaving my family was something that bothered me every day but even more so on my birthday. Magnus thinks he's the only one who can't talk about my death but that's not true. I can't stand the thought of it either.

If I wasn't such a coward, I would just give up on my short life and become a vampire or something to be able to stay with them. I am a coward though and besides that, I made a vow to protect the world as a Shadowhunter till the day I die. If I willingly became a vampire, I would be going back on that vow and disgracing my family. Not to mention I would be leaving my siblings and friends alone to defend themselves. They would all end up dead without me there to watch out for them.

"Alexander, breakfast is getting cold" Magnus called from the kitchen. I sighed giving myself another second to wallow before I faked a smile and went to the dining room. The second I walked in I couldn't stop the smile from leaving my face. I don't know what was waiting for me on that table, but it wasn't breakfast.

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