Reaping and Sowing

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Born to endless love chapter sixty-five: Reaping and Sowing

Max age: 28, Alec age: 48

Gabriel pov- I shut off the foist of the rusted old sink sitting in the corner of the small shack, before grabbing the washcloth I wetted and wrung it out.

Joseph's body laid motionless on the bed on the other side of the room, his soul not yet obtained in order to wake him up.

"You're going to be waking up to a lot of drama, Jo. Max really stepped in it this time. I kind of feel bad for him, but he should have known what he was getting into working with someone like Hayden."

I frowned, wringing the cloth harder before moving to sit next to him and pressing the cooling cloth to his face, cleaning him up. "Though I guess I'm not one to talk, am I? I'm working with Hayden too, and unlike Max, I am well aware that he is trouble."

Joseph didn't answer but that was okay. Just having him in touching distance was enough for me. At least for the moment.

"It doesn't matter what happens to the Clave. As long as you come back nothing else matters." I set the cloth down before reaching out and caressing his cheek with my thumb.

"The clave and our families were so unfair to you when you died. They dragged you through the dirt and didn't even give you a proper funeral. They deserve anything that comes to them."

I say that and yet I can already hear Joseph's voice in my head telling me that this isn't the way to do things. He wouldn't understand what I'm doing this for.

Frowning, I turned to the board still hanging on the wall with pictures of random people, different colored strings connecting them in some kind of color coordinated plan. Max and Magnus both had a purple string connecting their photos, while Alec's had a red string connected to a picture of Hayden himself.

What concerned me was that Joseph's picture was also up there and his string was also red and connected to Hayden's picture. What are the plans for the people with red strings?

'Alec Lightwood is the catalyst of everything. His death will be the true beginning of the war. His death, as well as his rebirth.'

His rebirth. What could he mean by that?

I turned to Joseph again, frowning. "Maybe I'm not as ahead of Hayden as I thought. I would be foolish not to think that there must be a catch to him bringing you back to me. I know I'm playing right into his hands, but It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is you."

Grabbing the cloth in one hand again, I used the other to lift up Joseph's arm so I could continue cleaning him up. Running the rag down his arm, I stopped right before I got to his wrist, frowning in confusion. There plain as day was a long scar that ran straight across Joseph's wrist. I grabbed his other arm and a matching scar was there as well.

Visions of Joseph laying on his bedroom floor, blood flowing from his deeply slit wrists appeared in the forefront of my brain, making me quickly blink them away.

I don't understand. Hayden used an old picture of Joseph as reference to bring him back, yet his wrists hadn't been scarred in that photo. This wasn't Jo's real body, so why were there signs of his suicide there?

My phone ringing pulled me out of my thoughts and I pulled it out of my back pocket, sighing when I saw it was Darius. The last few days he has been pushing more and more for me to join Alec's stupid Nephilim/Downworlder allience. As the next Shadowhunter to take it over once Alec is gone, Darius feels it would benefit the alliance having multiple nephilim for Downworlders to come to with their problems, instead of just one. Though I understand his intent, the thought of joining that group was far from appealing to me.

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