Demons Descending

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A/N: Trigger warning: Implied Sexual Assault 

Born to Endless Love Chapter Fifty-Nine: Demons Descending

Max age: 28, Alec age: 48, Michael age: 19, JJ age: 17

Max Pov- Hayden, what's going on? You said that this spell would make the world better. There are demons everywhere!"

Hayden turned to me with a wide smile on his face. "Can't you see it Max? This is the first step to making a better world for warlocks! Our time to shine is at hand!"

"What are you even talking about," I demanded, beyond confusion. How were demons running around our time to shine? Was he saying we needed to defeat them to prove a point? I don't understand.

"Our kind is going extinct Max," Hayden hissed. "Long ago Nephilim tried to wipe us out, leaving us with only a handful left. They feared us, as they should have, so they got rid of us. Nephilim out number us, but that's all going to change today. Rebirth starts today!"

"Rebirth?" A cold chill ran up my back at that statement. He couldn't possibly mean what I think he means. "You don't mean- Hayden, innocent people are going to get hurt. Unsuspecting women are going to get attacked! Those children you are trying to create will be killed!"

"No they won't. We'll find them and lead them in the right direction. Once they are trained properly, we will have an army strong enough to overthrow the Clave and those damn Nephilim. Warlocks will be the superior race at long last."

I shook my head, not able to wrap my brain around what he was saying. "You want to start a war with the Clave? Why? Things are improving every day. Downworlders are getting accepted more every day. The Nephilim see our worth."

He scoffed at that. "You are such a naïve child Max. Do you honestly think that the Clave has been changed? That Nephilim have truly changed their ways?"

"I've grown up around Nephilim. My family work hard every day to change the world."

Hayden narrowed his eyes at me. "You honestly think the world has changed because of your family? The moment Alec Lightwood dies, the peace will end. How do you kill a snake? You cut off his head. Alec Lightwood is the head of the Downworlder Nephilim Alliance. He is who is holding it all together. The moment he is gone, the older generation will pounce and take control back. They will stop walking on eggshells and return the Clave to its former glory."

"Darius wouldn't let that happen! He's going to continue my father's work!"

I frowned, looking down at the blue pendant in my hand. It was barely lit now, the glow inside it flickering dangerously.

"This pendent... I heard my fathers voice while using it."

He shrugged, looking at his nails carelessly. "I may have left out an important detail about that amulet."

"What would that be," I asked, glaring. He just shrugged and smirked. "Guess you'll have to ask daddy and see. Make sure to describe to me the look of disappointment when you tell him you stole it."

I frowned clenching tight onto the pendent. "Why are you doing this? I thought we were friends. You said we were making the world a better place. I trusted you."

"We are making a better world, Max. A better world for warlocks. Why should we live under the thumb of Nephilim? You and I could still be friends, Max. You helped me make this new world. You are just as responsible as I am."

I shook my head, backing up. "You tricked me. I'm nothing like you."

"You are. You went along with everything without a second thought. You put your complete trust in me because deep down you know that I am right, that the world needs to be changed. The demons may be the ones attacking mundanes but you are the one who summoned them here. There's blood on both of our hands."

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