Facing Mistakes

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Born to Endless Love Chapter Sixty-Seven: Facing Mistakes

Max age: 29, Alec age: 48 going on 49, Michael age: 20, JJ age: 17 going on 18

Max Pov- "Okay, an important day calls for a special meal, so what should we eat for dinner?" Father asked, fanning out multiple takeout menus on the coffee table.

I sighed, glancing through them. "You might as well throw out all the Downworlder owned businesses. They won't deliver here, and if by some miracle they do, they will just spit in my food."

"Think positive. It's your birthday," dad said, picking up a few menus and looking through them. "Are you feeling chinese food? There's a great place that just opened a couple blocks from here and it's mundane owned."

"Don't you guys think I'm a little old to be celebrating my birthday with my parents? I'm twenty-nine now."

Father scoffed at that. "You are never too old to spend your birthday with your parents. In case you forgot, your parents are the whole reason you have a birthday anyway."

Dad chuckled at fathers argument. "Well, it's not like one of us popped him out ourselves, but I see where you are coming from. Alec is right Max. It's hard for you to go anywhere with your friends right now, so it's best to spend time with us."

I frowned looking down at the floor, thinking of my friends. Darius and Dantes are still talking to me, but Quinton is in a bind because of everything going on with his pack. The girl who was attacked by a demon is pregnant, so now her mate is out for even more blood. Because of this, Quinton has no choice but to keep his distance from me for a while. Unfortunately this also includes Penelope and Jemma.

"Darius and Dantes plan on coming over later with Giselle. Andrew said he would stop by too after getting some work for Lily out of the way."

Father smiled sadly, reaching out and stroking the top of my head. "It's good that your friends want to come spend this special day with you. I'm sure Penelope and Quinton would too if they could."

"Michael's birthday was last week. He didn't do anything special with his family, did he? I don't deserve to do anything either."

"Don't think like that," Dad disagreed. "Michael ate dinner with his family like he does every birthday, but besides that he didn't want anything big. In fact, the only person he really spent his birthday with was JJ. Rumor has it that they went on a date that day."

"A date?" I asked, shocked.

Father rolled his eyes. "Jace said that JJ and Michael are pretending to date in order to make Kalen jealous. I told him that it sounded like a stupid idea."

"As someone who gets jealous super easily, it doesn't surprise me that you don't like the idea," dad laughed, making father shove him a little.

"Can we not bring that up right now?!"

"They really believe that Kalen will fall for it," I asked, not sure if it could work on him or not.

"Love can make us blind," dad answered with a shrug.

I frowned looking at my hands in my lap. "Back to Michael's birthday though... Did he accept my present?"

I had asked my father to deliver a birthday gift to Michael for me, since there was no way he would have taken it from me face to face.

Father rubbed the back of his neck, sighing. "I gave it to him but he refused to open it. It's currently sitting in his room untouched along with his gifts from his parents."

"He didn't open his presents from his parents either?" I asked, shocked.

"Michael wasn't in the 'birthday' mood. I'm sure he will open them when the time is right for him." Dad assured me.

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