The Return of the Pillowfort

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Max Age: 13; Alec Age: 33

Max Pov- "Are you sure you want to do this with me guys? It could be dangerous." I asked looking at my two best friends sitting on my bedroom floor eating popcorn. Penelope looked over at me like I said something stupid "Max, we're offering to help you baby sit your cousins how is that dangerous?"

I shook my head "they're not just any kind of kids Penny. They're Shadowhunters and they tend to get into a lot of trouble." I never forgot that day the demon showed up while I was watching Michael. He would have been eaten if I didn't save him.

Quinton flipped through one of dads' magazines not even bothering to look at me. "We can handle two little Shadowhunters. How different can it be from regular babysitting?" "Very different" I yelled looking down at him.

Penny leaned on Quinton's shoulder smiling up at me "don't worry Max. Everything will be fine." There was a knock on my bedroom door before father walked in "Max, Michael and JJ are here. We're all going to be heading out."

I crossed my arms watching him "why must dad go patrolling with you tonight? I don't want to be left with these two evil demons." "Michael and JJ are your cousins Max, don't talk about them like that. We need your dads' magical help so you have to watch the kids."

I let out a long agitated sigh and Quinton stood up rolling up the magazine before hitting me on the head with it "be respectful to your father Max." I grabbed my head glaring at him "stay out of this mutt." Quinton ignored me smiling at my father like a happy puppy "did I do good Alec?" Father smiled patting the top of Quinton's head; I swear I could see his dog ears perk and his tail wagging happily.

"You did great Quin, keep my boy in line okay?" He nodded excitedly and I rolled my eyes but couldn't fight the smile coming on my face. I don't know if it's because he's part angel or if he's a warrior but both Quinton and Penny admire my father a lot. Quin was blown away by my father the moment he met him and I still don't understand why.

"I for one can't wait to meet these kids. If their offspring of Isabelle and Jace then they must be beautiful" Penelope said standing up. They were beautiful. Even at Five and three years old you could already tell by looking at them who their parents are. I bet they'll be handsome when they are my age.

Michael looks a lot more like uncle Simon then he does aunt Isabelle but that doesn't make him any less stunning than her. He has his mom's bone structure and her piercing brown eyes. As for JJ, well it's pretty much what his name implies. Jace Jr. had golden blonde hair and golden skin like his fathers but his eyes were as green as his mothers.

People look at Michael and JJ and know who they are. They say things like 'that's definitely a Lightwood' or 'That boy's going to grow up to be another charming Herondale.' I looked down at my blue hand frowning. They were the kids who belonged and I was called 'that warlock child'.

My family makes me feel like I'm one of them and I would never belittle that but I still feel like I'm an outsider. It's intimidating trying to compete with angels and I don't know how much longer I can pretend like it doesn't bother me. I don't want to end up envying my cousins someday.

"Max are you alright" father asked watching me frowning. I glanced up at him before forcing a smile on my face. "Yeah I'm fine. Let's go out to the living room." He watched me frowning for a few minutes before nodded and leading us to the living room.

JJ was sitting on the floor by his father's feet playing with the old toy soldier that used to belong to uncle Max. He was one of those kids who were quiet most of the time which was the only thing not like his father. Michael was clinging to his mom hiding his face in her hip. "I don't want you to go mama, stay here."

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