Portals and Paris

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Born to Endless Love Chapter Fifty-three: Portals and Paris

Max age: 26, Alec age: 46

Max Pov- "It's been a year, show me what we're working with," Hayden encouraged, sitting on his couch in the middle of his huge living room. The man lived in a mansion right outside of New York City. How he managed to afford it without being a High Warlock was beyond me. He must sell a lot of potions.

"I've only got one thing completely perfected," I informed him, feeling a little self conscious. Like he said, it's been a year since I secretly started learning from the portals spell book. I feel like I should be able to do more than one spell at this point, but I still can only do the basics.

Hayden shook his head, pulling on the tea bag he had in his cup, making it bounce up and down in the water. "The fact that you can do any of the spells in that book at all proves you are a dimensional warlock. You're able to do things with portals that no other warlock can do. Well, no one but Ragnor Fell, but he has been dead for over a decade."

That wasn't true. Ragnor Fell was very much alive. He was hiding for reasons I will never fully understand.

"So show me what you learned," Hayden pressed again.

I nodded pulling the book out of my bag. "I managed to do the first spell in the book. Creating air pockets that can hold or direct objects however I want. It took awhile to master. Whenever I threw anything into the portal, it wouldn't come back on the other side. My favorite beanie is floating around in another universe right now."

"I take it you managed to fix the bugs though," Hayden asked, smiling. I nodded, setting the book on the coffee table before cracking my fingers.

"Prepare to be amazed."

"I'm beyond prepared," he teased, making me roll my eyes.

I took a deep breath before holding out one of my hands, closing my eyes to focus. I pictured a small portal appearing in mid-air, and when I opened my eyes again, it was actually there. Smiling I pulled a pen out of my pocket and threw it into the portal before closing it up. Using my other hand, I held it over the coffee table and opened a new portal, letting the pen drop onto the wood.

Hayden smiled in aw before setting his cup down to clap for me. "Marvelous. You truly are talented Max."

"It's nothing too amazing," I shrugged, rubbing the back of my neck. He shook his head, standing on his feet.

"That's not true at all. It's like I've been saying all this time, not just any warlock can do this. I'm sure it's been hard practicing without your parents or anyone finding out."

I nodded, thinking about it. Dad almost caught me a few times with the spell book. It's not that I don't want them to know what I'm learning, I just think it would be nice to surprise everyone with how strong I become. Hayden agrees that it would be better just to show it off once I perfect it.

"Now that I can do this, maybe I can tell my parents about it," I thought aloud.

Hayden shrugged, walking over to a cabinet full of old nick nacks. "I mean, sure you could tell them now, but wouldn't you rather show them when you have an even harder spell mastered?"

"That spell itself is pretty hard," I disagreed.

Hayden turned toward me quickly, something shiny flying at me at light speed. Not thinking, I threw my hand up and opened a portal in front of me, watching as a sharp letter opener went through it. I opened another portal and the letter opener came through and dug into the wall.

I looked at it shocked before turning back to Hayden, who was smiling. "Wanted to see if you could use the ability for fighting or defense. You get an A+, great job."

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