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Alec Pov- I stared down at six year old Max Lightwood wondering what I'm supposed to do. Magnus was away on business that would take all night and I had no way to contact him for advice. "You're being very quiet father" Max said looking up at me. I just kept staring not knowing what I should say.

I have to punish my son, something I have never had to do before and I didn't know how to go about it. I always told Magnus that I was the serious parent and would have to be bad cop but now that it was time I didn't know how to be. Max stared up at me with his cute blue face and dark puppy dog eyes.

He knew what he did was wrong and he knew he would get in trouble so he was trying to look cute. Normally that didn't work on me so I couldn't let it work now at all times. "Do you know what you did wrong Maxwell?" I asked using his full name for leverage.

He put his hands behind his back and looked down at his1111 toes mumbling something I couldn't hear. "What was that" I asked getting to his level. He looked up meeting my eyes frowning "I used Magic in a bad way." "What else" I asked trying not to lose my serious tone.

"I used magic to scare you father and it was wrong of me. Daddy says it's normal to scare people for Halloween so why was it so bad? You didn't get hurt." I pinched the rim of my nose cursing Magnus in my head.

The incident we were speaking of is that Max thought it would be funny to scare me for Halloween. By using his Magic he conjured up every breed of spider known to man including the poisonous ones and put them all over my room. They were everywhere; on my gear, in my sweaters, on Magnus's and my bed. They were even in our master bathroom webbing away to their hearts content.

"Did daddy tell you that I was afraid of spiders" I asked looking at Max again. He nodded his little head and smiled "He said to get a rubber spider and scare you but that's boring. Real spiders are more fun and they come in all kinds of colors. Some are even hairy."

I shuddered at the thought of the tarantula that was holding my bow and arrow hostage next to the bed keeping me from going patrolling like I was supposed to be doing right now. "Father really, really, really hates spiders Max. Besides that you shouldn't be using your magic recklessly like that and without daddy here to fix it. What if you couldn't undo the spell?"

He crossed his arms and pouted angrily "I did it though. I was able to make all the spiders go away." "What if you couldn't though? Some of those spiders were poisonous. They could have really hurt you."

Max frowned losing his angry pout "I'm sorry father." I nodded rubbing his arm "I know you are Max but you still have to be punished. You're grounded." He blinked confused by this "grounded?"

The most Max has ever had to do was sit in a time out chair and think about what he did wrong. If it wasn't for the actual dangers of his actions I would just put him in time out again but someone could have seriously been hurt. "Grounded. That means you'll sit in your room and do nothing till I say so."

Max got wide eyed "But father it's Halloween. It's the one night I can go out without a glamour. You can't ground me on my favorite day." Maia and Bat were supposed to take him and I really felt bad about this but I had to show him the seriousness of what he did wrong.

"I'm sorry Max but you have to spend Halloween in your room. Now go" I said pointing in the direction of his room. He glared at me clenching his little blue fists. "I wish daddy was here instead of you" he said before running to his room.

Those words hit me hard and I had to sit there for a moment to let them sink in. I was Max's hero. I was the one he looked up to yet he said such a thing. I stood up making my way to the couch and I curled up hugging my knees thinking.

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