Max's Choice

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Max age: 18, Alec age: 38

Max Pov- I stood in front of my full length mirror looking over the nice black button up dress shirt and pants I was wearing. It was a special day for my two best friends and my girlfriend. It was their graduation day and I should be feeling happy for them. It was hard to feel happy though when you knew that you were going to lose your girlfriend by the end of the day.

My father walked in the room smiling but lost his smile when he looked me over. "Max why are you wearing such dark clothes? You look like you're about to attend a mundane funeral."

"I'm in mourning" I sighed walking over to my makeup table and sitting down, starting to apply some dark eyeliner.

Father raised an eyebrow in confusion "mourning for what exactly?" "The demon attack last week really freaked out Ebony. She doesn't want anything to do with the shadow world anymore."

Father frowned walking up to me "did she break up with you?"

I shook my head no "she wants me to move to Los Angeles with her and pretend to be a mundane. She wants me to live a mundane life with her and pretty much become someone I'm not. If I don't go with her then she is breaking up with me."

"That doesn't sound like Ebony at all" he said rubbing my head. I could see the pity in his eyes through the reflection of my mirror. "What can you do? Fear does things to people. She fears more demon attacks and downworlder dangers. She thought it would be all fairy dust and rainbows."

"Most mundanes that find out about the shadow world do see it as some magical world. They don't see that it's mostly dark and scary" father said softly, still rubbing my head.

I turned looking up at him "do you think Penelope will ever get scared of the shadow world? What if she leaves me too? It's bad enough that mundanes don't live as long as me but to know they can't fully accept me and will leave me willingly hurts."

Father watched me in silence for a moment before looking toward the door calling "Magnus! Can you come in Max's room please?"

I frowned confused "why are you calling for dad?"

Father leaned down kissing my forehead before pushing some strands of hair out of my face. "This is your dads' area. Sadly, he knows a lot about people leaving."

Dad walked into the room "what is it Alexander?" He took one look at me and looked just as confused as father first did. "Are you going to your best friends graduation or going to a funeral?"

"I'm in mourning" I groaned again before going back to apply my makeup. Father and dad glanced at each other before dad gestured for him to leave the room. Father nodded before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Dad walked over to my bed, sitting down before patting the spot next to him "come here Max." I sighed before getting up and going over to the bed, sitting next to him. He put his arm around me "tell me what's going on."

"I already told father. Ebony is afraid of the shadow world now and she wants me to leave New York and live a simple mundane life with her. She's pretty much saying 'become someone else or we're done.'

Dad frowned "I know how that is. Mundanes think that they can handle our way of life but the moment things get scary they run away. I have seen it many times and I'm sure I will see it many more."

I looked at him frowning "I thought Ebony was different. I thought she saw me for who I was and loved me for it. She always said that she didn't care that I was a warlock. She said that she loved me because of my heart and not what species I am. Now she's saying she doesn't want to be with me if I keep being part of this world."

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