The Terrible Two's

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Alec Pov- I finished the paperwork Jace was supposed to be in charge of but skipped out on, before looking up at the clock seeing it was almost four. "You going to head out" Clary asked walking in with Simon. I looked at them smiling "I hope so, I missed enough of my sons second birthday. Where is my bum of a Parabatai?"

Clary sighed crossing her arms "he is afraid of what you will do to him for skipping out on his work." I rubbed my temples letting out a long sigh "tell me why I agreed to be his Parabatai again?" They both shrugged "You must have been drunk" Simon joked making me smile at him. He and I have gotten to be pretty close since we had that talk two years ago at the academy. He keeps trying to push his mundane movies on me but besides that he's a pretty cool guy.

"I would love to hunt him down and make him regret slacking but I have a son and boyfriend to get home to. Magnus will be furious if I miss all of Max's birthday." Clary smiled "his birthday party is tonight right? What time should we all come over?"

I thought about that for a moment. Magnus wouldn't have time to get ready while he had Max. Max always kept us on our toes and we could never leave him alone longer than a minute before he would run off and mess with something he wasn't supposed to. Once I got home and took over watching our adventures toddler Magnus would most likely take an hour and a half to get ready. Even if it was just a child's birthday party he figured he needed to look his best.

"Maybe around seven or eight" I finally answered still not completely sure. Simon sat on the desk "his first birthday party was like those parties you'd see for famous people who could afford to give one year olds parties that rival most adults." I sighed remembering Magnus suggesting a circus theme for Max's first birthday. Max loves elephants and (thanks to Magnus) glittering people so I thought it would be good. What I didn't expect was Magnus actually getting a circus to celebrate Max's birthday. He made a huge tent appear, got clowns and acrobats, and lastly a huge elephant that blew little Max's mind. He just stared at it wide eyed as if he never knew how big they really were.

"Yeah I told Magnus that we were just having a small get together with friends and family. Tessa and Jem are coming which he's excited about. Tessa is excited to see Max and Jem is excited to see Chairman." Clary smiled "lets' hope Magnus can do a small simple party." I nodded grabbing my bow and arrows off the desk "On that note I'm going home. See you tonight."

I left the institute and hurried back to my home needing to pull my baby boy close and give him lots of hugs. This was a thing between Max and I, I would come through the door and he would run (waddle) over to me and cling on to my legs laughing. I'd then pick him up and hug him super tight making him laugh more. The thought of Max's laugh mad me smile as I walked up the apartment steps.

I was only a few more feet away from my baby boy and my man. I quickly unlocked the door and the moment I opened it I was met by Magnus tackling me to the ground behind the couch. Coughing from getting the air knocked out of me I frowned at Magnus "by the angel Magnus." Magnus shushed me pressing his back again the back of the couch "We have a problem" he whispered.

I frowned sitting up "what do you mean? Where's Max?" I heard Max's little feet run into the room and I smiled standing up to go to him. Magnus grabbed my wrist pulling me back down and as he did purple fire shot over us.

I got wide eyed watching it vanish in midair "What..." Magnus looked at me, his eyes fully serious "Alexander Max learned how to use fire today... he hasn't learned control." I frowned "can't you stop him? He'll burn down the loft if he keeps it up." Magnus bit his lip thinking "You might be faster than me."

That made me frown more "What could I possibly do about our fire throwing child?" Magnus's own hands formed blue sparks and a purple jeweled necklace appeared in his hand "put this around his neck. It will limit his magic and since he only knows fire right now it will cut off his powers all together." I frowned taking the necklace "should we really limit him like that? It seems a little cruel." Magnus reached his hand over for he could run his fingers through my hair "believe me Alexander, this will help him."

I nodded clenching the necklace before getting ready to run. "He thinks we're playing a game with him. Once you get the necklace on him we will be able to talk to him about his magic." I glanced back at Magnus "he's only two years old. He doesn't understand magic."

Magnus stayed quiet knowing I was right. I took a deep breath before standing up quickly and running out from behind the couch. Max turned looking at me and he smiled his sweet innocent smile reaching his arms up for me. As he reached up though the purple flames escaped his fingers and came right for my face.

I quickly crouched and rolled dodging a few lines of flames before finally I got close enough to Max to slide the necklace around his neck. Once it was on it glowed purple for several minutes before losing its light and going back to normal. Magnus got up brushing dust off his pants before walking up to us "great job Alexander." I looked at him "can't he just take off the necklace?"

Max blinked looking down at the necklace and grabbed it trying to pull it off but it wouldn't budge. "For now only I can release his magic. We'll learn how to control it and over time he won't even need the necklace anymore." I nodded still not liking restricting our son but it seemed it was either that or get burned to death. "And so start the terrible twos" I sighed.

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