Regret, Fear, and Joy

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Warning: This chapter gets a little intense.

Max Age: 20, Alec age: 39 (for now)

Max Pov- "Max... wake up sleepy head. It's a very important day" my father's voice whispered in my ear. I could feel his weight fall on my bed as he reached out and ran his fingers through my hair. I grumbled pulling my blanket further up over my shoulders. "Five more minutes."

Dad laughed from the doorway. "We were nice enough to let you sleep in till noon. If we let you go, you'll sleep through your entire birthday." I opened my eyes remembering that today was my twentieth birthday.

I sat up quickly, smiling at father. "it's my twentieth birthday" I said excitedly. Father laughed before holding out a small box to me "here's your first gift of the day." I took the box looking it over before opening it and freezing.

Inside in a blanket of red velvet was my very own Lightwood family ring. I took the ring out of the box looking at it closely, noticing there was something different about this ring than fathers. It wasn't just an L but it said LB. The flames around it also had a bluish outline to it, making it shine in the light.

"I got this personally made for you. Your very own Lightwood-Bane ring. If you ever fall in love and want to be with someone forever you can give them that ring. That or you can hand it down to any children you may adopt someday. Do you like it?"

I glanced over at the Lightwood ring on my dad's finger. Father gave it to him the day they got engaged and he hasn't taken it off since. Tears stung at my eyes as I slipped the ring on my finger. "This is amazing father. Thank you."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tight. He laughed slightly before hugging me back smiling. "Make sure you take extra good care of it okay?" I nodded letting him go and looking down at the ring again. It really was beautiful.

"You get me anything" I teased looking at my dad. He smiled crossing his arms and leaning on the doorframe. "My present will come in due time. First let's go have some breakfast. I made all your favorites."

"And by made, he means he conjured up all your favorites" father sighed standing up. I laughed getting up as well. "Let me get dressed and I'll meet you both out there." They nodded and walked out of the room, father closing the door behind him.

I looked down at my ring again smiling before moving over to my closet picking out an outfit for today. I decided on just a simple pair of black skinny jeans and a unisex tang top with the words 'Peace, Love and Trust' on it. I used some hair gel to spike up my hair a little bit before applying some eyeliner around my eyes. Once I felt like I was perfect I went to the dining room for breakfast.

Like dad said, all my favorite breakfast foods were present. French toast, pancakes, waffles, and crepes. Eggs, Bacon, and also oatmeal. "Is all of this from Taki's" I asked sitting down and piling food onto my plate. Dad nodded "it's a special occasion after all."

"I'm surprised you let him conjure up all this stuff" I said to father behind a mouth full of pancakes. "Don't talk with your mouth full Max. I figured since it was your birthday I would make an exception for the 'no conjuring things with magic' rule. It also doesn't hurt that Taki's will be shutting down by the end of the month."

We all frowned at that, keeping silent. Taki's has been my favorite place for forever. It's been fathers favorite way back before I was born. It was our bonding place and it was shutting down just like that.

It seems none of us can catch a break when it comes to bad things like this happening. Bad stuff has been going on left and right for us. First Darius and Dantes won't be coming back when they were supposed to because their institute tours got extended. Then father broke his wrist during patrolling a couple nights ago. Even though dad healed it he was still put on medical leave for about two weeks. Now we hear that Taki's is closing.

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