Not What I Planned

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Max Pov- "This always happens. Why does this always seem to happen? Every time I make some kind of fun plans with someone, the two of you are always there to ruin it" I said pacing my living room irritably.

My cousins Michael and JJ just sat on the couch watching me go back and forth until Michael spoke up. "It's not really our fault that we're here. I wanted to be left at the institute with JJ but dad said we're not old enough to be alone. You were the only option." I stopped walking, rubbing my temples "you are only eleven years old Michael."

"Exactly. I think Eleven is the perfect age to be allowed to stay home alone and watch over the Institute" He said crossing his arms. I shook my head "no not really. Something could happen and an adult wouldn't be there to help you." Michael snorted at this. "And I'm supposed to think that you're an adult."

I glared at him "I am an adult, brat. I'm nineteen so that makes me an adult." "You still live with your parents and you don't have a job. I don't think you're an adult" he said shrugging.

"I'm sure you'll still live with your parents when you're my age and just because I don't have a job doesn't mean I'm a kid. I'll have you know that I have been helping both my parents a lot with their work." I've only worked with father once to catch a new born vampire and every time I try to help my dad, his clients turn me away but he didn't need to know that part.

"What were the fun plans you made tonight" JJ's small voice asked looking up at me. I always figured he would grow out of this quiet, stoic personality but it seemed like it was here to stay. Not that I minded. I liked JJ and his sister Jocey way better than my annoying other cousin.

"A friend invited me to spend time with him tonight" I said shrugging. They were both silent for a moment before Michael smirked. It was never a good thing when Michael Lovelace-Lightwood smirked like that. "Was this 'friend' your boyfriend?"

"What?! No! We're just friends" I yelled glaring at him. This just seemed to make the punk smirk more. "Your face is all purple from blushing. Admit it, this guy's your boyfriend."

"He is not my boyfriend. We're just friends for now and he was going to take me around the city today. Now I have to call him and cancel because I have to babysit two brats." "You said 'for now'. Does that mean you want to be his boyfriend" JJ asked; looking up at me.

"Oh not you too. Both of you stop it. This conversation is over okay? What do you want for dinner" I asked; moving into the kitchen.

Michael looked at JJ, obviously going to let him choose what it is we eat. JJ seemed to be thinking it over but his attention was pulled away when the apartment buzzer rang. "Who's here" Michael asked jumping off the couch and running to the speaker. I moved ahead of him and shoved him away before he could hit the talk button.

"You don't know who that could be Michael. Children shouldn't answer doors." Michael glared crossing his arms "I keep telling you I'm not a child." I got to his level smiling "as long as you have to look up at me to meet my eyes, I will consider you a child."

I flicked him in the forehead before standing up and pushing the talk button. "Lightwood-Bane residence. Shadowhunter Alec Lightwood and High Warlock Magnus Bane are currently out. What can I help you with?"

A familiar giggle answered me and I felt my face explode in heat. "You sound so professional" Andrews voice said still giggling. I stupidly kept my finger on the button in silence. I didn't know what to say.

"It's kind of cold out here Max. Aren't you gonna let me in" He asked. I wanted to make a smart comment about the cold not being able to affect the vampires but for some reason I couldn't speak. How was I supposed to be friends with Andrew when that stupid adorable giggle makes me melt into a puddle?

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