Darius Rosewood

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Age Five

Darius Pov- I was only five years old when I learned that the world wasn't a nice place. Until that point I seen people as people. Everyone was a person and nothing was wrong with anyone. That all changed though the day I was almost killed by a demon.

I was sitting close to lake Lynn digging in the dirt with a stick when a large demon appeared behind me hissing. I was so terrified all I could do was stare up at it in horror. I thought for sure I would die but suddenly an arrow pierced through its chest making it screech in pain. It turned its back to me looking at who shot the arrow.

I looked too and gasped seeing a tall man maybe twenty-five years old. He had black scrappy hair and his eyes were blue and intense as he stared down the demon. The demon growled launching itself at the stranger. He lifted his bow again and shot three arrows one after another so fast I couldn't even see his hand move.

Each arrow hit the demon and it fell to the ground with a loud crash. It withered in pain for a few seconds before vanishing back to its own world. I watched where the demon once laid stunned before looking up at the man who was now standing in front of me. He got to my level smiling sweetly at me "you okay?"

I nodded numbly not able to look away from his pretty blue eyes. "glad to hear it" he said reaching out and running his hand through my hair. His hand was warm and the gesture was comforting. "Alexander Lightwood, take your hand off my son" I heard my father's voice yell from a distance.

The man, Alexander looked over at my father before standing up "you should watch your son more closely Gabriel. He was almost killed by a demon." I looked at Alexander smiling before looking at my father losing my smile. He was looking at the man with such hate in his eyes.

Father reached down grabbing my wrist and painfully pulling me to my feet and over to him. "Why were you touching my son? I won't allow your filthy hands to taint my son." I looked up at father confused before looking at Alexander who now look just as angry.

"Filthy" he asked coldly. My father stared him down "you use those hands of yours to touch disgusting warlocks." "My son and husband are not disgusting" he yelled making me flinch. He seemed like a guy who didn't usually yell.

"Oh please, do you know how much you have disgraced our kind? Having your horrid relationship with another man, a warlock no less. You dishonored your little brother by giving that warlock child his name, you made your family a laughingstock by giving it your last name. Then you marry your warlock and make it so everyone has to acknowledge it. I refuse to acknowledge that sinful marriage as anything than what it is, sinful."

I frowned looking up at my father. Why was he being so mean to the man who just saved my life? "Alec there you are" another voice said from behind us. I looked and gasped looking up at a shiny man with tan skin and pretty cat eyes. He was holding a boy my age in his arms with navy blue skin and dark blue hair.

"Speak of the devils" my father said turning to look at the shiny man. The man frowned looking at him "I beg your pardon?" Alec got in front of the shiny man and the boy, protecting them from my father. "You have no right to look down on my family Rosewood. Downworlders are just as good as Shadowhunters."

This made my father laugh "you're the only one who thinks that. You married a downworlder, adopted one, and you work with that Werewolf and Vampire to help more Downworlders. What example are you setting for the new generation? The kids who so blindly admire you, you're leading them into ruin."

"Alec is leading them into the future. There's nothing wrong with being in love with the same sex or liking Downworlders. The world is changing and Alec is the one leading that change" the shiny man said glaring at my father.

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