I'm Not a Kid Anymore

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Max age:18, Alec age: 38

Max Pov- I stood in front of the full length mirror in my bedroom, staring over my new black skinny jeans and unisex tang top. It wasn't my most flattering outfit but it was the most practical for demon hunting.

It's been well over a year and a half since Darius and I became our own version of Parabatai. We still haven't gone on patrols together because I thought it would be easier to talk father into it once I turned eighteen. It's been a couple weeks since I turned eighteen and there was no more avoiding the question.

"How do you plan on asking him" Dantes asked sitting together with Dante on my bed. I shrugged sighing "I don't really know. I've been holding back on asking to start demon hunting because I know father won't take it well. He's totally going to tell me no."

"You're eighteen now so how can he tell you no" Darius asked laying down and pulling Dantes into his arms.

"Age doesn't matter to my parents. I'm their only child so that means they want to keep me living in a bubble. Do you know that father still hasn't taken me to assist him with Lilly and Aunt Maia? He always says 'this one's too dangerous, you can come to the next one'. I'm honestly getting sick of it."

"Well tell them that. Tell your father how you've been feeling. I want my Parabatai to go patrolling with me tonight" Darius said crossing his arms.

I sighed before looking back into the mirror "okay I can do this. I'm going to walk right into that living room and ask- no, tell my father that I'm going patrolling tonight."

"Very good darling" Dantes said clapping happily for me.

I nodded before looking at them "and you two are going to come with me."

They both lost their smiles at that. "We have to come with you" Darius asked looking scared.

I nodded crossing my arms "I know you hate getting on my father's bad side but as my Parabatai it's your job to be at my side during hard times like this. I'm going to help you face your father someday so you need to help me with mine."

"I'm not your Parabatai so why do I have to be there" Dantes asked pouting.

"Because you're one of my best friends and it's a best friends job to be supportive during moments like this. Besides your part of the patrol team I'm trying to be a part of."

"He has a point babe. As his friends it is our job to help him when he needs us."

"If you say so" Dantes whined getting off the bed and standing up. Darius got up as well gesturing to the door "lead the way Max."

I swallowed hard, now fearing for my life before walking out of my room and going to the living room. Darius and Dantes followed me, staying a few inches behind me.

My parents were in the living room, father on the couch looking over his arrows while dad was organizing his candles for a customer tomorrow. They both looked like they were in really good moods so I hope I don't ruin it with my question.

"Um... father, dad, can I talk to the both of you?"

They both looked at each other confused before dad came over and sat on the couch with father. He put his arm around father before looking at me "okay, what is this about?"

I bit my lip thinking about how to start before just going for it. "As you know I turned eighteen two weeks ago. Legally that makes me an adult and means I have rights that I'm allowed."

Father raised an eyebrow in question. "What is this about Max?"

I glanced back at Darius and Dantes who both gestured for me to continue. I took a deep breath before blurting out "I want to go patrolling with Darius and Dantes tonight!"

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