Is it Love Part Three- The Heart That Easily Breaks

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Max age: 16, Alec Age: 36

Darius Pov- I sat in the Bowling Alley inspecting the hideous shoes I was being forced to wear. I wasn't really into bowling myself but Dantes loved it so I really couldn't complain. It's cute seeing how excited he is after getting a strike or how pouty he gets from getting a gutter ball. "where is Max? He was supposed to be here by now. How are we supposed to start Super Fun Friday without him?" Penelope asked frowning.

Quinton looked at the watch on his wrist "maybe something Magical happened and that's what's keeping him held up." Dantes grabbed a shiny blue ball smiling "I'm sure he will be here soon. Look Darius, this ball is the same color as your eyes. I bet that means it's good luck." I smiled and kissed his cheek "that's sweet to say."

"Sorry I'm late" Max's voice came from behind us. "Well, it's about time. Where have you been..." Penelope trailed off looking at Max. I looked at her before turning to look at Max.

Standing there next to him, holding his hand and smiling was the girl Penny kept complaining about. Everyone stayed deadly quiet as we stared at him and Crystal. Max smiled looking at us all "why so quiet? It's alright that I brought my girlfriend right?"

Penelope opened her mouth, obviously wanting to scream but I quickly grabbed her by the shoulder stopping her. I leaned in whispering in her ear "This is Max's girlfriend so we need to at least try to make an effort." She looked back at me obviously not pleased but she knew I was right. She looked back at Max faking a smile "Of course it is okay for Crystal to be here. Why wouldn't I want her to be here for our Super Fun Friday tradition?"

Crystal looked around frowning slightly "you never told me we were going bowling Max." He smiled at her grabbing some bowling shoes and handing them to her "it was a surprise." Crystal held the shoes away from her as if there was garbage all over them "yeah... such a nice surprise." Dantes watched her before looking at me "she doesn't seem very nice."

"She's not" Crystal whispered glaring at Crystal. I shook my head looking at the both of them "let's be polite and courteous to her. Max supports our relationships so now we need to support his." "I would support anyone else being with Max" penny sighed walking over to the lanes.

We all gathered around the keypad to put in our names and Penelope made it so I would be the one to go first. "I hate going first" I sighed grabbing the green bowling ball I picked out when we got here. Dantes smiled "just think about it as hitting your target with your bow and arrow."

I smiled at him "I would love a kiss for good luck." Dantes glanced away blushing before quickly pecking me on the lips. I smiled at his adorable face before walking up to the lane concentrating on hitting all the pins. As I turned to go up to the lane I noticed that Crystal made a disgusted face after Dantes kissed me.

I glanced over at Penelope who must have seen it also because she was glaring daggers at Crystal. Choosing to ignore the look I looked ahead of me at the pins hoping by the angel that I don't make a fool of myself like last time when I threw the ball backwards. I rolled the ball watching it zoom down the lane and I smiled wide when all the pins fell. "That's my man" Dantes cheered smiling.

I turned around and bowed to them all before making my way back to my seat. "yes I know I'm amazing, you can all shower me with praise." Quinton laughed "you're starting to sound like Penny." Penelope stood up playfully punching me in the arm "don't get too full of yourself now."

She went to take her turn and I sat next to Dantes putting my arms around him. "That was really good Darius. You've approved a lot since the last time we came here" Max said smiling. "It was most likely just dumb luck. It's not like I practiced or anything."

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