Burns of the Past

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Born to Endless Love Chapter Fifty-Five: Burns of the Past

Max age: 27, Alec age: 47

Darius Pov- "I just can't get her off my mind. It's like the moment I first saw her, something clicked. Watching her walk away was the hardest thing I ever had to do, and I have lived through some hard shit."

I was pacing back and forth in Max's room, clenching and unclenching my hands while also running them through my now messy hair every once in a while. Max himself was sitting on his bed, practicing transferring a book from one portal to the next. When he got so good at portal magic is way beyond me.

"Have you talked to Dantes about it?"

I laughed at the question. "I don't know what's going on with Dantes either. He's been very quiet since meeting her, which is normal for you, but not for me. The Dantes I know is loud, crude, and always has to state his opinion about everything. The last few days he's been just as lost in his head as I have."

"Maybe you are both worried over the same thing," Max suggested.

"I highly doubt that. Dantes can't stand being around children. He barely likes being around Michael and JJ. It's gotten better since they are getting older, but when we first moved here, he didn't want anything to do with them."

"People change, Darius. You know that better than anyone. You said so yourself that Dantes was nice to the girl. He did her hair for her and even made her a flower crown. Would he do that for a kid he doesn't like?"

I shrugged, rubbing my arms. "I don't know. Everything is really confusing right now. What could possibly compel me to want to be close to this little girl? Maybe something is wrong with me."

"Nothing is wrong with you. The only reason you feel close to this girl is because you saved her life. You feel a protective bond there because of it."

"Not so sure about that," I sighed, sitting on the bed next to him. I glanced at the two portals he had hanging in the air.

"Since when can you do portal magic like that?"

"I've been practicing. Nothing too amazing, but I'm trying to get better at the harder stuff."

That made me frown. "What do you mean by the harder stuff? Portal magic is dangerous Max. You shouldn't go playing around with it. Speaking of playing around, let's talk about that amulet you had in your pocket the other day. Why would you need to amplify your powers? Worst of all, why would you get that amulet after your parents told you not to?"

"My parents are just overprotective. You know how they can get," he sighed, closing both of the portals with a swipe of his hand. "I really need you to keep the amulet a secret."

"I really don't like keeping secrets from your father."

"You're my parabatai though, so you have no choice," he simply stated.

He had me there.

"Fine, I'll let it go for now. Still think you are making a mistake messing with this stuff."

He smiled "I promise I'm not going too deep into it. I'm only learning a few fighting tricks. Nothing too strong."

"I have a hard time believing that you aren't going 'too deep' into this. You throw yourself into everything you do. It's a good trait to have, but it may come back to bite you someday."

"You just focus on your problems with the girl. Did anyone manage to get her to speak yet? We don't even know if she has a name."

"She spoke to Dantes and I a little at the end. She told us her name is Giselle."

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