Learning Forgiveness

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Born to Endless Love Chapter sixty-four: Learning Forgiveness

Max age: 28, Alec age: 48

Alec Pov-  "It should all work out," I assured Magnus, looking over my shoulder and watching him as he used magic to make a small spoon slowly stir his tea. "As far as the Clave will know, a sudden baby boom of warlocks just came out of nowhere."

Magnus glanced back at me over his shoulder before stopping his magic and the spoon. "The last time there was a warlock baby boom, the Clave decided to go on a hunting spree. Nephilim get scared when a lot of magic is in the world. Even with all the progression of the world since then, I don't see that mentality changing."

It was true. A century or so ago warlocks were being born left and right. Since the clave feared a rebellion, they hunted warlocks down and collected their body parts as spoils. Sick trophies that proved they were able to defeat a child of demons.

I nodded, looking back at the blueprints with a frown. "That's why we are making more Orphanages now, so that I can put the Claves mind at ease when the time comes."

Magnus snorted, leaning against the counter. His unhelpful attitude was graining on my nerves a bit. I'm trying to come up with solutions, but all he's been doing is poking holes in all my ideas.

"It's going to take a lot more than that to make them unafraid. Hayden has the advantage in all of this. He is well aware that the Clave will feel threatened and lash out. He will use the fear the warlocks have of dying to convince them to join his side. I'm sure it's all a part of his plan and we are playing right into his hands."

I gritted my teeth, going to snap at Magnus and tell him he wasn't being helpful, but Max's voice came out of nowhere and caught our attention.

"If we get to them first then maybe there is still hope."

Magnus stared at Max for only a moment before grabbing his cup of tea and heading to his work room. Max deflated as he watched his dad walk away and he frowned at me.

"Is he ever going to speak to me again?"

All I could do was smile assuringly. "He's just... stressed."

Stressed was putting it in simple terms. I don't know what's been up his butt lately but it needs to be nipped already. Doesn't he see the pain he is causing Max?

As if agreeing with my thought, Max turned his face away and rubbed at his arm, frowning. "He hates me."

"No! Your dad could never hate you!"

Sure, he was upset at the moment but there was no possible way for Magnus to ever hate Max, no matter what he did. Max is our son, and nothing would ever change that.

"Max, your dad just needs some time, but I promise you that he loves you. That could never change no matter what you do."

He shrugged, his face looking defeated as he reached down to grab his keys off the coffee table. "I'm going to the institute to talk to Michael."

That shocked me. Magnus and I told Max that he had to tell the family himself what he did, but he had been dragging his feet about it. Not that I blame him. What he did wasn't just some small offence. Michael was injured and killed. People all over the world were attacked. It wasn't something to just mull over and forget about.

The sad truth is though, everyone already knows. Isabelle and the others heard about it from Downworld whispers, and they came right to me demanding to know the truth. I had no choice but to tell them and I begged them to pretend that they didn't know.

I know it was unfair to ask, especially from Isabelle who had lost so much. Michael and the kids are the only ones who don't know the truth. It's only right that Max be the one to come clean to them about what really happened.

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