A Warlock Secret

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Born to Endless Love Chapter Fifty: A Warlock Secret

Max age: 24, Alec age: 44

Max Pov- “What are you doing,” dad asked, leaning on the doorway of my room. He was interrupting my completely productive activity of throwing a tennis ball against the wall in boredom. 

“Isn’t it obvious what I’m doing? Penelope and Quinton have a doctors appointment for Jemma, Darius and Dantes are out on a date, and Andrew is sleeping through the day since he was up all night with his clan, so I have nothing to do and no one to hang out with.”

“Right… well we can hear that ball hitting the wall from the living room, and your father is seconds away from coming in here and strangling you. Deciding to save your life, I figured today would be a great day to continue your magic training.” 

I sat up in my bed, smiling. “Seriously? Are you going to teach me something new? Oh, what is it? Is it a demon summoning?”

“Um, no that’s hundreds of years out of your power capacity.”

“Aw, come on. Can you at least teach me how to speak demon? JJ was born with the ability for crying out loud. It can’t be that hard.”

Dad nodded, pushing himself off the doorframe. “Sure, we can dabble into that a bit, but there’s a spell that I want to show you as well. Think you are up for it?” 

“Um, duh! I’m up for anything you have to throw at me,” I exclaimed, jumping out of bed and walking to the door. 

“Don’t get over-excited. This spell takes complete focus. If you get it wrong you could catch the whole apartment building on fire. Your father let it slide when you were a toddler, but I don’t think he will be as cool about it now.” 

“I never caught the apartment on fire when I was a kid… did I?”

He shrugged. “When you were two you learned that you could make fire, and let’s just say I had to repair a lot of this building before the mundanes could notice. There were even a few times you threw fire at your father and me because you thought it was funny.”

“That does sound like something I would do.” 

He nodded leading the way to the living room. Father was sitting on the couch, rubbing his temples sighing. “Is the ball throwing finally done?”

“I took care of it, darling,” Dad cooed, leaning over the couch to kiss father on the forehead. A small blue spark appeared under his lips, showing that he used a bit of magic to make Father’s headache go away. Father smiled up at him once he felt the pain lessen. 

“You didn’t have to do that.”

“I know. I wanted to,” he said before kissing him on the lips this time. He sat up and moved away from the couch smiling. “I am going to be teaching Max an advanced spell, so stay alert for any explosions or danger.”

“You really expect me to fail that badly,” I scoffed. 

“This isn’t an easy spell. Magic alone isn’t enough to make it work. You have to have a balanced mind as well. You already proved you are capable of that with the test we performed on your twentieth birthday. Now you need to put it to practice.”

Father sighed getting off the couch. “Please don’t make me have to come home to a burned down apartment.”

“Where are you going,” I asked curiously. He shrugged, grabbing his phone off the charger and looking it over. 

“This weekend is Michael’s fifteenth birthday and Isabelle needs help planning it. I told her I’m not the planning type, but she is under the impression that since I have an older child, I am the go-to person to plan an older child’s party.” 

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